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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 = BEST Game this Gen - Impressions Thread- *(NO Spoilers)*

Captian_Twig said:
Epic fail. This is not the best game of this generation. It will be Ghostbusters. Fuck you PS3 homo.


"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


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Just got to Act 4. Wow.

Better than Mario Galaxy? i'm not so sure, it's extremely difficult to compare these games, they are like polar opposites.

that being said i think MGS4 is awesome and definately a must buy for any Ps3 owner, i think Mario Galaxy has the better sound (the music was absolutely incredible) but this game is no slouch.

gameplay styles are so different i can't compare them. So it is impossible for me to determine which is better. How about this...

MGS4 - best game on PS3
Mario Galaxy - best game on Wii.

Game of the generation: Both Mario galaxy AND MGS4 for different reasons.

after 3 hours of play,,,I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this game

i m playing a damn brilliant movie,,,yea the graphics are that good ;).

20/10,,,is that possible?




MGS4 is a great game after playing since I got home from work. About 4 and half hours. There are quirks that I have. The control scheme is a little flaky. I died about 4 times before figuring out the controls. Having select give you the controls on the fly is a great idea. I just have to ask why did they change the control scheme? I also miss Snake backing up in to walls. What's with the new move, it works as a cover system but it just feels weird. The overall graphics are great. The install screen looked little fuzzy compared to the cutscenes in the actual game.

The player models look awesome and the sound well let me put it this way. My neighbor knocked on my door and asked me to put down the movie. LOL, the movie. The only other gripe that I have is that the scenery looks a lot like a popular FPS.

My first impression is a 9/10. The one point off is for the flaky controls. Other then that it meets expectations.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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Yep, i am in love with this game, by far the best game of this generation so far, i even brought the Limited edition guide and DVD, they also gave me a limited edition picture, which i framed, here it is in the pic:

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



Just beat the game. The ending dragged on for a bit, but for the most part the game was impressive. I clocked in at or around 16 hours.


iclim4 said:
makingmusic476 said:
It's so awesome.

That's abotu all I can say right now. I only just got to Drebin, lol.
Haha, But you we're playing before me and I stopped before you.
How are we in the same spot? =P


 My dad was working from home today, and he kept bugging me for stuff.  ABout half the time I was "playing" the game was actually paused so I wouldn't miss stuff during the cutscenes.

I finally got accustomed to the controls, and it feels great.
I used to hold triangle for first person view, but I just figured out I only needed to press it once. >_

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SlumsofOhio said:
Just beat the game. The ending dragged on for a bit, but for the most part the game was impressive. I clocked in at or around 16 hours.

Oh wow, you marathoned it? O_O
How would you rate the game?
Also rate all 3 MGS' for comparison purposes(if you played them).
1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
Thanks. ^_^

That explains a lot.
I thought you were actually playing nonstop.

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