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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crystal Bearers cancelled?

sc94597 said:
Viper1 said:
*email sent*

*email received*

Not canned. Are we done with this now?

 Really?If you email them they just tell you?

You'd be surprised how often simply asking will get you the answers you seek.   Be polite, word it carefully and instead of asking directly if it is canceled, just ask on the current status of development.


Then again I'm in the media so that might have helped on my end.

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Soriku said:
Damn, what the hell.


Second, the same is happening to FF XIII. The same even happened to RE5. Are they canned? No. We've got what...a new trailer with 5 seconds of new footage? WOW! This just in: FF XIII canned confirmed! Sorry, PS3 owners. >_>

Third, they may not ready even be ready to show it yet. Maybe they're still working out. Hell, they may even might not have gotten all that far in development to show new stuff (or at least not farther from when they showed the last trailer). They were busy on MLaaK and RoF. Didn't they state before (or someone else stated before) they put TCB on hold for MLaaK and RoF?

My God dude. There is no evidence whatsoever that it is canned. They've stated again and again IT WAS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, You have like...5 people arguing against you. Give up right now.

P.S. How do you make your writing bigger like Andrex made his?
I would respond , but viper already gave me information it wasn't.


sc94597 said:
vdoesntforgive said:
Listen to what you're saying for a second...

Are you willing to believe that they purposely translated that post knowing that the game had been canned?

If you believe that, well then, more power to you.
Because the article was mainly about Ring of Fates and if it was written when Crystal Bearers was still in developement, and then it got cancelled, would they not translate an article about a game that is coming the same month because it refers to a cancelled game?


@Zenfolder WIkipedia? The article they were referring to was a year old article. Check on page one Dark Prince shows it.

What? The article I'm referring to is the 2008 march press release for the DS version of crystal chronicles. You can't marginalize it. Do you deny it exists? Are you willing to paint yourself into a corner to keep up your lie?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Omg viper already said it's still in developement. /thread I would argue,but there is no point to anymore. And yes Zenfolder we are talking about the same article.

Sc9497, give it a shot with a bunch of developers and publishers and you'll be surprised how much you can learn that's not reported in the news yet.

It's how a lot of journalists even get news. They just ask them for info.

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Viper1 said:
Sc9497, give it a shot with a bunch of developers and publishers and you'll be surprised how much you can learn that's not reported in the news yet.

It's how a lot of journalists even get news. They just ask them for info.

 I might try that if I need any information. 

TCB may not be as important as FFXIII or DQIX, but it is still quite important for the Wii audience and SE would not just outright cancel a game like that.

Also, I had a dream about playing this game a while back. IT WAS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!
Can't wait. 8D

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Soriku said:
Btw, question about TCB.

In the last trailer what was the main character's weapon? Was that a gun when he was fighting the dragons? Plus when he was fighting the green things he didn't have any weapons and instead used magic (came from his hands, or maybe a crystal in his hand).

 I think it might be a gun. I think he shot one of the dragons with it and that is why there was an explosion. Does anybody know if some of those parts were in game? Like when he was running. If so that is pretty impressive graphics for the wii. 

no i do not think its cancelled,these types of games take long to develop

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Soriku said:
sc94597 said:
Soriku said:
Btw, question about TCB.

In the last trailer what was the main character's weapon? Was that a gun when he was fighting the dragons? Plus when he was fighting the green things he didn't have any weapons and instead used magic (came from his hands, or maybe a crystal in his hand).

 I think it might be a gun. I think he shot one of the dragons with it and that is why there was an explosion. Does anybody know if some of those parts were in game? Like when he was running. If so that is pretty impressive graphics for the wii. 


Yeah, that's in-game. All in-game I think. It might be CGI when he's in the sky and does some "energy pull" thing and moves forward. Hard to tell. But yeah, TCB has good graphics and they have much more time to polish it even further.
If this game is released toward the end of this year, I could see the wii having the best holiday lineup.