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Soriku said:
sc94597 said:
Soriku said:
Btw, question about TCB.

In the last trailer what was the main character's weapon? Was that a gun when he was fighting the dragons? Plus when he was fighting the green things he didn't have any weapons and instead used magic (came from his hands, or maybe a crystal in his hand).

 I think it might be a gun. I think he shot one of the dragons with it and that is why there was an explosion. Does anybody know if some of those parts were in game? Like when he was running. If so that is pretty impressive graphics for the wii. 


Yeah, that's in-game. All in-game I think. It might be CGI when he's in the sky and does some "energy pull" thing and moves forward. Hard to tell. But yeah, TCB has good graphics and they have much more time to polish it even further.
If this game is released toward the end of this year, I could see the wii having the best holiday lineup.