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Forums - Sony Discussion - One of the things sony could do to contrarest JRPGs going to the 360!

After many JRPGs going to the 360 I think it's time for Sony to attack with several strategies.

Sony has to secure the rights of some JRPG, but it can't be done from one day to another, and if it is done I'm pretty sure those games would come a lot of time after the JRPGs that are coming to the 360, remember that those games require a lot of time to develop.

So what can Sony do while JRPGs are developed for PS3? One clever move would be to get companies that developed the best RPGs for the PSone to sell them through the Playstation Store.

Imagine these games on the PS Store:

- Chrono Cross

- Vagrant Story

- Xenogears

- Valkyrie Profile

- Grandia

- Suikoden I & II

- Arc The Lad Collection

- Front Mission III

- Tales of Destiny 2

- Thousand Arms

- Guardian's Crusade

- Alundra

I haven't played any of the games mentioned above but if they were to appear on the PSN I would buy them (got into RPG on the PS2 and the only RPG from PS1 I've beaton is FFVII). I love RPGs and Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross and Xenogears have always got my interest.

I'm excluding Final Fantasies and Dragon Quests bcause we all know you almost all get remade for the DS or PSP, but they would be a fine adition to the list (FFVI through IX and DQVII).

Sony should get moving and make some deals to make this happen while great current generation JRPGs are developed for the PS3!

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I think they should start internal development of the Legend of Dragoon II, pay Konami for Suikoden VI exclusivity, and pay SE an assload to start working immediately on a FFVII remake for the ps3.

Besides Suikoden what other JRPG series could they buy exclusivity from?

From Capcom maybe Breath of Fire
From Sega maybe Shining Force and/or Skies of Arcadia Phantasy Star (not online)
From Game Arts maybe Grandia
From SE a new RPG in the Chrono series
From Namco maybe Xenosaga

Any other famous JRPG series that hasn't been out for this generation?

I see that today's attention is focused on MGS4, there's no space for this kind of threads today, maybe I'll revive this thread in a week...

Well Valkyria Chronicles is being made by the Skies of Arcadia team, and it even has cameos from certain SoA characters, so you can scratch that series off the list. :P

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I agree, but I think they need to put FF VII on the PS store if they are not going to do a full remake

Agree on Legend of Dragoon, maybe they could get respective publishers to revive old RPG series that are considered dead like Lunar and Lufia. I don't know if the Mana series is popular in Japan, and I loved the little I played of Soul Blazer. Damn Square-Enix holds almost all of the rights of the most popular JRPG series...

Ehh, the companies that make these games are Japanese, and online services on consoles are generally unpopular in the nation. Sony needs to pay a lot of developers off and increase their sales by whatever means necessary (how about backwards compatiblity?).



makingmusic476 said:
I think they should start internal development of the Legend of Dragoon II, pay Konami for Suikoden VI exclusivity, and pay SE an assload to start working immediately on a FFVII remake for the ps3.

I like the way you think. You should work for Sony.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I dont think Sony cares too much because jrpg's are not system sellers like they use to be.