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Forums - Sony Discussion - One of the things sony could do to contrarest JRPGs going to the 360!

misteromar mk4 said:
I dont think Sony cares too much because jrpg's are not system sellers like they use to be.
JRPGs sell systems.  Any genre that is even remotely popular can sell systems


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misteromar mk4 said:
I dont think Sony cares too much because jrpg's are not system sellers like they use to be.

*Looks at Crisis Core*

Hrmmm, what an interesting theory you have there. 




Interesting topic. Hopefully Sony can do that and make it also not regionbounded, so release all exclusively on PSN.

But I'm still hoping that they will come with their own RPG load on a moment perfectly timed (E3 or in a week MS comes with a greatly expected title). Or maybe we haven't seen the whole years line-up yet. E3 surprises?

Suikoden VI is very possible I think to become exclusive.
Offc, a new Arc the Lad or Legend of Dragoon is also nice.

I don't think that there are many games on the US or European stores, but have any of you been on the Japanese store?

There are well over 100 games out over here. I didn't count, but there are at least 20 RPGs. Wild Arms 1 and 2 are there. Alundra is there. All the Arc the Lad games are there. Jade Cacoon just got released a few days ago as well. Most of the RPGs are not very good, but there are quite a few ones that never got released in the West and the list is growing.

Also, MGS1, Resident Evil 1 and 2 are on there. I was surprised by the amount of good games that are actually on the Japanese store. Hopefully, they will bring some games out in the West as well.

Also, Square-Enix still publishes (in Japan) all of their PS1 games that were million sellers. FF and DQ games are around $25 dollars, while games like valkyrie profile are around $14. I just purchased FF7 brand new. 

lightbleeder said:
Agree on Legend of Dragoon, maybe they could get respective publishers to revive old RPG series that are considered dead like Lunar and Lufia. I don't know if the Mana series is popular in Japan, and I loved the little I played of Soul Blazer. Damn Square-Enix holds almost all of the rights of the most popular JRPG series...

How dare you say Lufia!  If it was remade or even a new game, I think the franchise should be on the Wii, because thats where it started.  I do however agree with you on Legend of Dragoon.  That game was amazing when I rented it way back.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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makingmusic476 said:
I think they should start internal development of the Legend of Dragoon II, pay Konami for Suikoden VI exclusivity, and pay SE an assload to start working immediately on a FFVII remake for the ps3.

And Sony's game division should be profitable by 2017.



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I think we are all being to impatient here. The PS3 has been out for just over a year and a half. How many JRPG's did the 360 have in that time period? Blue Dragon?

This year the PS3 will have Disgaea 3 and the RPG of the year (Valkyria Chronicles). I wouldn't be surprised if companies are waiting to release some JRPG's for the PS3 just after FFXIII releases.

The only reason the JRPG situation on the PS3 looks bad is because the 360 will have about six JRPG's out by the end of 2008, BD, ES, LO, ToV, IU, TLR. But that is because the 360 launched a year before the PS3. About three or four months after the release of FFXIII, the PS3's JRPG library will have caught up and surpassed the 360's JRPG library.

mroseneo said:

I don't think that there are many games on the US or European stores, but have any of you been on the Japanese store?

There are well over 100 games out over here. I didn't count, but there are at least 20 RPGs. Wild Arms 1 and 2 are there. Alundra is there. All the Arc the Lad games are there. Jade Cacoon just got released a few days ago as well. Most of the RPGs are not very good, but there are quite a few ones that never got released in the West and the list is growing.

Also, MGS1, Resident Evil 1 and 2 are on there. I was surprised by the amount of good games that are actually on the Japanese store. Hopefully, they will bring some games out in the West as well.

Also, Square-Enix still publishes (in Japan) all of their PS1 games that were million sellers. FF and DQ games are around $25 dollars, while games like valkyrie profile are around $14. I just purchased FF7 brand new.

 So why aren't they here (US/Others) and why doesn't that push PS3 sales in Japan? Perhaps they have played them all allready, but not very likely. I mean, is it the publisher rights again? Cause digitally it shouldn't cost too much to spread such games all across the world.

@OP yo have just posted a group off my fave games

lightbleeder said:

- Arc The Lad Collection

Whatever happened to Arc the Lad?  Any news on it?