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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just got a Sega Saturn ^.^

And I got a really good deal. 10 games and a Saturn for $59 plus $20 shipping. Came with good games too-

Beyond Oasis, Panzer Dragoon, NiGHTS, virtua games...

Heres what it would have cost me if I bought it all seperatly:

Sega Saturn Console ($50)

The Legend of Oasis ($50)

Dark Savoir ($15)

Panzer Dragoon ($14)

Tomb Raider ($1)

NiGHTS into Dreams ($20)

Virtua Fighter 2 ($4)

Daytona USA ($3)

Ghen war ($3)

Virtua Cop ($7)

crusader ($20)

total: $187

Granted, I didn't want Ghen or Crusader, but that is still $160 v $79

:D I'm really excited to get it!!! 

Around the Network

don't rub it in, i regret selling mine 2 years ago, get clockwork knight and sonic R both are great games, R is a sonic racing game. both kick ass.

When was this system made?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

segajon said:
don't rub it in, i regret selling mine 2 years ago, get clockwork knight and sonic R both are great games, R is a sonic racing game. both kick ass.

 I have Sonic R for Sonic Gems Collection (GC) I really like the paradise island level and its music, but the game is too short- takes about 45 minutes to complete. Unlocking all the characters took a few hours. Is clockwork knight 2 worth getting? It is supposedly better, but costs $25... the original costs about $8.

Everstar said:
When was this system made?

 2007- its codename was the "sega pheonix"













jk it came out in 1994/1995. I wish Sega would get back into gaming though :/ 

Around the Network


Play Clockwork Knight first before you decide if you want the sequel.
The mechanics are a bit strange, if I recall correctly.

Mike from Morgantown (proud owner of a Saturn and close to 300 games for it)


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


congrats,and it also comes with alot of good games

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Very nice.

Did you get any light guns with Virtua Cop? Only way to play those games.

NiGHTS = Classic.
VF2 = Classic.
Virtua Cop and Virtua Cop 2 = Classics.
Panzer Dragoon = Classic.

Awesome price, too.

Fighting Vipers
Guardian Heroes
Virtual On
X-Men Vs Street Fighter

mike_intellivision said:

Play Clockwork Knight first before you decide if you want the sequel.
The mechanics are a bit strange, if I recall correctly.

Mike from Morgantown (proud owner of a Saturn and close to 300 games for it)

 300 games! Thats alot!! I found about 40 games that looked inteeesting, but unfortunatly many were overpriced I think.

Is Shining force worth $60-$80?

Is panzer Dragoon saga worth $100?

Is dragon force worth $55?

Those three looked really reall good but pricy. 

Also is Christmas NiGHTs worth the $40? looks quite fun but unnesicary since I have the original. 

Dolla Dolla said:
Very nice.

Did you get any light guns with Virtua Cop? Only way to play those games.

NiGHTS = Classic.
VF2 = Classic.
Virtua Cop and Virtua Cop 2 = Classics.
Panzer Dragoon = Classic.

Awesome price, too.

Fighting Vipers
Guardian Heroes
Virtual On
X-Men Vs Street Fighter

 Gaurdian Heroes looksso Fing sweet but there is no way its worth the $120 it is going for...