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And I got a really good deal. 10 games and a Saturn for $59 plus $20 shipping. Came with good games too-

Beyond Oasis, Panzer Dragoon, NiGHTS, virtua games...

Heres what it would have cost me if I bought it all seperatly:

Sega Saturn Console ($50)

The Legend of Oasis ($50)

Dark Savoir ($15)

Panzer Dragoon ($14)

Tomb Raider ($1)

NiGHTS into Dreams ($20)

Virtua Fighter 2 ($4)

Daytona USA ($3)

Ghen war ($3)

Virtua Cop ($7)

crusader ($20)

total: $187

Granted, I didn't want Ghen or Crusader, but that is still $160 v $79

:D I'm really excited to get it!!!