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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much do you reckon Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

mtofu said:
1. phil said that sony doesn't pay for exclusives
2. n/a
3. yes

the relatively small user base is only 6 million away from the extraordinary user base of the xb360 and the gap is getting smaller each week (numbers according to this site). kojima said that the game needs to sell 1million day one in order for them to break even. this is probably possible considering that sony bought a bunch to pack with the system.
Phil lied.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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nextgreatchamp said:

i think they might have paid this much:



to be honest i really dont care how much they paid or if they paid at all, i'm just happy that the game is coming out.

 lol funny video , The mario in your sig looks like it's in LBP.

Sicilian. said:
Who cares? its just a game, why does it matter how much sony paid for it

yeah as long as were enjoying it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

starcraft said:
mtofu said:
1. phil said that sony doesn't pay for exclusives
2. n/a
3. yes

the relatively small user base is only 6 million away from the extraordinary user base of the xb360 and the gap is getting smaller each week (numbers according to this site). kojima said that the game needs to sell 1million day one in order for them to break even. this is probably possible considering that sony bought a bunch to pack with the system.
Phil lied.


Huh what , you have some evidence which contradicts what he said ?


thought not.... 


Million said:

Huh what , you have some evidence which contradicts what he said ?

thought not....


You came into this thread for the sole purpose of attacking me based solely on your assertion that "Microsoft does this far more often than Sony does."

All we have are assumptions, the assumption that Phil lied, or misrepresented reality is a reasonable one.  How else do you explain Ubisoft removing Haze from the two consoles that sell shooters better than the Ps3 and releasing it exclusively on the console with higher dev costs? 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Pristine20 said:
rocketpig said:
.Geenie. said:
Alone in the dark. thats because the devs dont know how to program for the ps3 properly. insomniac dont seem to have a problem

That is Sony's faults, not the developers. Sony has the responsibility to ensure that developers have the proper tools, knowledge, and support system to complete their project in a timely manner. Some of the most skilled developers (Insomniac, for example) will succeed no matter what but you can't expect every developer to achieve that kind of quality (plus, I'm pretty sure Insomniac has a direct hotline to Sony, something most third party devs don't enjoy).

I'm really sick of the "lazy/stupid developer" argument. At the end of the day it's you, the consumer, that suffers for it. Put the blame where it belongs and that's directly in Sony's lap. They're the ones who designed the architecture, provide the tools, and support the developers. If they do a bad job of that, developers fail. And it sucks for PS3 owners who, for some reason, still hold up the Sony flag and blame the developers for a difficult system. Sad, really.

Its too late for sony to restructure the ps3 hardware. Heck, the guy who designed it has been fired. Some of us have no choice but to support the brand we've invested in since everyone else wants to choke it out.

I understand that but there's nothing stopping Sony from working a little harder on their developmental tools and support system for the console to compensate for hardware difficulties.

Just as MS should be called out for the RRoD fiasco, Sony deserves a lot of flak for engineering the PS3 in the manner they did.


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LOL everyone is getting mad when you ask a question makes no sence to me =/

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Sony will make all the money,they supposedly spent on MGS4 in the first week.Thanks to my contribution of $59.99.

So worries.=]

meh, this thread is an epic faile

starcraft said:
SpartanFX said:

MS does money hatting wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than sony does,,,so why haven't you made a single thread about MS exclusives/timed exclusives fees?yet you come up here and make one for sony?

why do you feel the need to create such a thread?

Actually, I find both console manufacturers do a lot of moneyhatting.  Microsoft did Star Ocean 4 and Tales of Vesperia, Sony did UT3, MGS4 and Haze (wow, big mistake).

However, to my knowledge, none of those titles other than MGS4 is on the verge of release? No? 


I don't think Sony paid for Haze. free radical decided to rlease it on Ps3 only for the following reasons:

1. It was postponed due to the nature of the games coming out at the time of release for fear of getting overshadowed

2. FR knew that the game was sub-par thats why they postponed it in the FPS market where ther's insane competition

3. They decided to switch to PS3 only because there was less competition on the console and they felt that exclusivity and hype would thus send dumb fanboys to the shelf. This is why Haze will outsell Quake Wars on PS3 even though Quake wars is a few notches less dumb than Haze


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