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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much do you reckon Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

Slimebeast said:
Kasz216 said:
Slimebeast said:
Kasz216 said:
starcraft said:
CrazzyMan said:
MGS4 at THIS quality is NOT possible on x360.
1) MGS4 would be UNplayable on x360 models, which don`t have HDD.
2) The game would run in 565p at best case.

How many 50GB taking PS3 games were Ported to x360?
How many PS3 games at all were ported to x360?

Sony DO NOT pay for exclusives, ONLY M$ DO so.
Joke post?


Joke account. If you pay attention to his non sony related off topic foreign posts it's almost assured he's a parody.


Huh? "off topic foreign posts"... can u elabroate on this? And reasons why u think CrazzyMan is a joke account/parody.

foriegn was just randomly thrown in their for some reason...(I dont know why...) in a recent post he suggested a government consipiracy to put lowjack microchips into people brains.

Oh lol. Yeah, I've seen him recommend the Zeitgeist movie.

Did u browse thru his recent posts from profile, or how u found that microchip thingy?


 I think it might of been the same post.  It was in one of those political threads.  

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De85 said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:
starcraft said:

Regardless of whether MGS4 turns out to be timed or fully exclusive to the PS3, it is quite clear that Sony offered either direct payment or incentives of a certain value to keep the title on their system only.

The sheer cost of developing the title and the PS3's relatively small userbase would have made substantial profit for Konami impossible to achieve without financial support from Sony.

I fully expect this entire thread to be speculation, but I am interested all the same. My questions are:

- How much do you believe Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

- What form do you believe these payments took?

- Will the hardware boost to the PS3 be worth it?

You're speaking as if there is no reasonable doubt. Not only is there no reasonable doubt, but nothing but the fact that it's not on the 360 would make one propose such a thing. Almost every Metal Gear game has been exclusive to Sony, and I actually believe that it would be technically impossible on the 360 simply due to the use of Blu-Ray.

P.S. They did compress everything as much as possible. There is never an occasion with any developer where you don't.

 Except for the fact that Kojima made a big deal about how he wanted uncompressed audio.  That is not uncommon for PS3 games this gen.


 On topic, I strongly suspect it was money-hatted, but due to Sony's "policy" of not paying for exclusives we probably will never know what or how much the deal entailed. 

Actually your right but now that I think about it, you can definitely hear the difference between 320 kb/s as oppose to 128 kb/s. Only when the two files are played in succession but still, there is a difference. It's similar to comparing a higher screen resolution to a lower one.

LongLiveTheBeatles said:

You're speaking as if there is no reasonable doubt. Not only is there no reasonable doubt, but nothing but the fact that it's not on the 360 would make one propose such a thing. Almost every Metal Gear game has been exclusive to Sony, and I actually believe that it would be technically impossible on the 360 simply due to the use of Blu-Ray.

P.S. They did compress everything as much as possible. There is never an occasion with any developer where you don't.

What would you consider to be reasonable doubt? 

There isn't chance in hell the game is technically impossible on the 360 due to Blu-Ray.  In many instances Sony hasn't used compression for PR purposes (Heavenly Sword audio, Motorstorm) and with this game that is certainly the case.  The perfectly timed "oh no we need a double sided disk Sony" combined with little in-game blu-ray jokes?  Previous metal gear games were exclusive for a reason.  That reason was userbase, and the PS3 doesn't have it.

A quick listing of reasons why a 360 version of MGS4 would take no more than 3 DVD's (but I suspect 2):

- Linear game = easiest for disk-swapping.

- Compress audio and remove 7.1 support.

- Different languages on different disks.

- Remove the multi-layers of the same data we know almost every dev uses to compensate for the Blu-Ray drives low read speed (the space savings here could be massive.  Half the reason the PS3 "needs" the Blu-Ray capacity is because the read speed is so slow) 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:

You're speaking as if there is no reasonable doubt. Not only is there no reasonable doubt, but nothing but the fact that it's not on the 360 would make one propose such a thing. Almost every Metal Gear game has been exclusive to Sony, and I actually believe that it would be technically impossible on the 360 simply due to the use of Blu-Ray.

P.S. They did compress everything as much as possible. There is never an occasion with any developer where you don't.

What would you consider to be reasonable doubt? 

There isn't chance in hell the game is technically impossible on the 360 due to Blu-Ray.  In many instances Sony hasn't used compression for PR purposes (Heavenly Sword audio, Motorstorm) and with this game that is certainly the case.  The perfectly timed "oh no we need a double sided disk Sony" combined with little in-game blu-ray jokes?  Previous metal gear games were exclusive for a reason.  That reason was userbase, and the PS3 doesn't have it.

A quick listing of reasons why a 360 version of MGS4 would take no more than 3 DVD's (but I suspect 2):

- Linear game = easiest for disk-swapping.

- Compress audio and remove 7.1 support.

- Different languages on different disks.

- Remove the multi-layers of the same data we know almost every dev uses to compensate for the Blu-Ray drives low read speed (the space savings here could be massive.  Half the reason the PS3 "needs" the Blu-Ray capacity is because the read speed is so slow) 


1 reason why it would take a x360 mgs4 version more than 5 dvd9s.

over 90 min of high def cinematic cut scenes. hahahahahahahahaha!!!!



you seem pretty desparate by trying to determine how much sony paid for exclusivity.

you must want this game on x360 really bad.

Around the Network
ils411 said:

you seem pretty desparate by trying to determine how much sony paid for exclusivity.

you must want this game on x360 really bad.

If Starcraft wants MGS 4 so badly. He should just buy a 40GB PS3 with MGS 4 bundle. It is cheap around $750 Au. $500 US.

BTW: The best two games of the generation are out soon on the PS3: FF XIII and GT 5.

ils411 said:
you seem pretty desparate by trying to determine how much sony paid for exclusivity.

you must want this game on x360 really bad.

If you'd read the thread properly you'd find I personally have no interest in MGS/SplinterCell type stealth games.  But I do have an interest in their sales. 

I think the game will come to the Xbox 360 eventually in some form, whether I want it too or not.

But yes, I'd like to know how much this game was worth in Sony's eyes. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

1 Many many millions
2 cash
3 probably

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

LongLiveTheBeatles said:
De85 said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:
starcraft said:

Regardless of whether MGS4 turns out to be timed or fully exclusive to the PS3, it is quite clear that Sony offered either direct payment or incentives of a certain value to keep the title on their system only.

The sheer cost of developing the title and the PS3's relatively small userbase would have made substantial profit for Konami impossible to achieve without financial support from Sony.

I fully expect this entire thread to be speculation, but I am interested all the same. My questions are:

- How much do you believe Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

- What form do you believe these payments took?

- Will the hardware boost to the PS3 be worth it?

You're speaking as if there is no reasonable doubt. Not only is there no reasonable doubt, but nothing but the fact that it's not on the 360 would make one propose such a thing. Almost every Metal Gear game has been exclusive to Sony, and I actually believe that it would be technically impossible on the 360 simply due to the use of Blu-Ray.

P.S. They did compress everything as much as possible. There is never an occasion with any developer where you don't.

Except for the fact that Kojima made a big deal about how he wanted uncompressed audio. That is not uncommon for PS3 games this gen.


On topic, I strongly suspect it was money-hatted, but due to Sony's "policy" of not paying for exclusives we probably will never know what or how much the deal entailed.

Actually your right but now that I think about it, you can definitely hear the difference between 320 kb/s as oppose to 128 kb/s. Only when the two files are played in succession but still, there is a difference. It's similar to comparing a higher screen resolution to a lower one.

 True, but from what I understand of audio compression you can fit everything in one tenth the space without too significant of a drop in quality.  It's true that there will always be some drop, but it's a trade I'd gladly make in exchange for not having to try to squeeze a PS3 into my budget.

starcraft said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:

You're speaking as if there is no reasonable doubt. Not only is there no reasonable doubt, but nothing but the fact that it's not on the 360 would make one propose such a thing. Almost every Metal Gear game has been exclusive to Sony, and I actually believe that it would be technically impossible on the 360 simply due to the use of Blu-Ray.

P.S. They did compress everything as much as possible. There is never an occasion with any developer where you don't.

What would you consider to be reasonable doubt? 

There isn't chance in hell the game is technically impossible on the 360 due to Blu-Ray.  In many instances Sony hasn't used compression for PR purposes (Heavenly Sword audio, Motorstorm) and with this game that is certainly the case.  The perfectly timed "oh no we need a double sided disk Sony" combined with little in-game blu-ray jokes?  Previous metal gear games were exclusive for a reason.  That reason was userbase, and the PS3 doesn't have it.

A quick listing of reasons why a 360 version of MGS4 would take no more than 3 DVD's (but I suspect 2):

- Linear game = easiest for disk-swapping.

- Compress audio and remove 7.1 support.

- Different languages on different disks.

- Remove the multi-layers of the same data we know almost every dev uses to compensate for the Blu-Ray drives low read speed (the space savings here could be massive.  Half the reason the PS3 "needs" the Blu-Ray capacity is because the read speed is so slow) 


But if Hideo decided to jump through hoops in order to please a userbase less interested in the game, would it still be a good investment? With porting costs, several discs and poorer sound quality, it obviously becomes less profitable which makes me wonder if it would be a good investment to begin with. Hideo wouldn't allow it and you have to keep in mind he is a perfectionist. I wouldn't want and he wouldn't want to sacrifice audio quality therefore the game would still be on 8 discs. After all, this generation is all about hi-def and if developers are lowering their standards to meet system requirements then it almost defeats the purpose of creating more powerful hardware. As for languages on the same discs, I leave you with this quote, "Unfortunately because of disc space, we don’t have the space to include other languages, other voice over files for the respective versions. So the Japanese version’s not gonna have English voiceover, and the North American and European versions won’t have Japanese voiceover." - Hideo Kojima