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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much do you reckon Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

Probably as much as Microsoft paid to have the GTA4 dlc all to themselves. Maybe even as much as Microsoft paid Paramount to only release their movies on HD-DVD and not Blu-ray

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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colonelstubbs said:
Probably as much as Microsoft paid to have the GTA4 dlc all to themselves. Maybe even as much as Microsoft paid Paramount to only release their movies on HD-DVD and not Blu-ray

 So they didn't pay for a GTA title (one of PS2's best selling points), but did for MGS(a very good seller but not a GTA at all)? I just can't see this happening imo.

I'll laugh in all of your faces when MGS4 comes out and it turns out its the 25 GB bluray.
"Oh no, cant be done, too big for Xb...errr...wait..."

It's irrelevant how much. The real question is how much did MS offer to bring it over to 360 or make it 360 exclusive. Then you'll know how much Sony paid or how much ballz Kojima has to say screw you MS.

rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Omac said:
Plus every company pays for exclusives, maybe Microsoft more, but at least we have a lot of Jrpg's.

What exclusives has Nintendo paid for?

I think it's safe to assume that some kind of royalty break or money exchange occurred to get all those RE games on the GameCube.

We're talking about paid exclusives... not paid... supposed to be exclusives that they got backstabbed on because Nintendo wasn't as smart as Sony and Microsoft to get it in writing.

The fact they screwed that up kinda makes me think they might have not successfully every bought any exclusives and just said screw it... why buy compeition for our own products. 

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Zucas said:
It's irrelevant how much. The real question is how much did MS offer to bring it over to 360 or make it 360 exclusive. Then you'll know how much Sony paid or how much ballz Kojima has to say screw you MS.

Why would he say "screw you microsoft"? He could say "no thanks". I believe people (outside these forums) have proper manners these days.

Ssyn said:
colonelstubbs said:
Probably as much as Microsoft paid to have the GTA4 dlc all to themselves. Maybe even as much as Microsoft paid Paramount to only release their movies on HD-DVD and not Blu-ray

So they didn't pay for a GTA title (one of PS2's best selling points), but did for MGS(a very good seller but not a GTA at all)? I just can't see this happening imo.

Rockstar needed money. Actual cash that Microsoft gave them because they didn't even have the money to keep the lights on and all their development projects going.

So sony's sly ways of "paying" someone without just saying "Here's a huge pile O'Cash!" wouldn't have helped them.

Reduced royalty rates and free advertising doesn't help the company who doesn't have the money to develop it's game.

Besides, all MS bought was DLC.... for 50 million.

Whatever Sony "paid" got them an entire game... from a 3 million + guranteed seller. (That will probably sell 5-7 mil lifetime in my estimation.)

That probably helps more then downloadble content.

disolitude said:
Zucas said:
It's irrelevant how much. The real question is how much did MS offer to bring it over to 360 or make it 360 exclusive. Then you'll know how much Sony paid or how much ballz Kojima has to say screw you MS.

Why would he say "screw you microsoft"? He could say "no thanks". I believe people (outside these forums) have proper manners these days.

Woah don't get so testy.  Geez I'd swear I hit a nerve in ya.  Just more emphasis that way, and given Kojima's friendship with Suda 51, he'd probably more appreciate it if I put it that way.  Seriously lighten up.  Everyone on these forsakken forums need to lighten up.   

starcraft said:

- How much do you believe Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

- What form do you believe these payments took?

- Will the hardware boost to the PS3 be worth it?

 Yes they paid for it.  I don't think it was just out and out cash.  I think a number of expenditures happened here.  Full support from Sony Games studios and hardware and software developers available.  Purchasing product placement in the game itself (the mentioning of Blu ray, Sixaxis, PSP, and ton of sneaky stuff). Some advertisement fund (sure as hell not in the U.S., unless I am just not of the right stations.) for the game.  I am pretty sure Sony wavied many fees that it would normal charge for a game.  Sony probably is not really making anything off of any its license agreement, maybe a few cents here and there.  The subsidizing of the bundle probably cost them money.  Sony probably bought every copy of MGS4 that is pack into the box, meaning Konami already sold how ever many game units that is in production of the bundles.  That could be three - four millions units (figuring a million bundles for each territory) purchased. 

Then you just have the long partnership and Japan "good ole boys" mentality that play a factor in it.  Just like SE, Konami has had a working relationship with Sony for a long time and I don't think that all Sony resources and influences didn't come to bare when Konami hinted at MGS4 going day and date multiplatform.  That is also why they could pull the same trick with Take Two and GTAIV.  

 Side note, will we see MGS4 on the X360?  Its a good possiblity but the time frame is too sketch on when.  It could be in a year, like most X360 ports to the PS3 or it could be 4 years, like Ninja Gaiden (Sigma) was.  I am pretty sure they have it locked down at least for a year or two until the PS3 has got its next big thing to sell system.

I'm just saying...

If it did come out on 360 i'd probably come up when MGS4 Substience or a similar named thing came out wouldn't it?