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Ssyn said:
colonelstubbs said:
Probably as much as Microsoft paid to have the GTA4 dlc all to themselves. Maybe even as much as Microsoft paid Paramount to only release their movies on HD-DVD and not Blu-ray

So they didn't pay for a GTA title (one of PS2's best selling points), but did for MGS(a very good seller but not a GTA at all)? I just can't see this happening imo.

Rockstar needed money. Actual cash that Microsoft gave them because they didn't even have the money to keep the lights on and all their development projects going.

So sony's sly ways of "paying" someone without just saying "Here's a huge pile O'Cash!" wouldn't have helped them.

Reduced royalty rates and free advertising doesn't help the company who doesn't have the money to develop it's game.

Besides, all MS bought was DLC.... for 50 million.

Whatever Sony "paid" got them an entire game... from a 3 million + guranteed seller. (That will probably sell 5-7 mil lifetime in my estimation.)

That probably helps more then downloadble content.