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Forums - Sony Discussion - Square Enix's Party 2008 announced

darthdevidem01 said:

then why is MGS4 not been ported...........why did Nomura say Versus XIII is a PS3 exclusive 5 times??

And the actual Final Fantasy XIII is definetely I said if you want Versus XIII...fine

Its a spin-off n spin-offs are known to be crap (KH team or not)

I used to be a diluted fanboy much like yourself.  I used to put down starcraft for every positive 360 comment he made.  Then i got banned.  So i played my PS3 then ran out of games.  And then i waited for some RPG's  but it seems PS3 has none.  It might get some multiplat RPG's later but it has nothing now.  1 RPG that might go multi(no proof it won't) is not enough to keep me a loyal Sony fan.  Sony is screwing you so after you beat MGS4 a couple times (great game BTW)  and have little to nothing left to play come on over to another console Wii and 360 we have games here.

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why do you think I have a frikkin wii then........

look I don't have time to listen to your sad tale of SONY betrayal as so far Ps3 has been the best console for me ever......

MGS4 will keep me occupied for ages along with MGO, then I have SSBB on the wii, FF7:CC on the PSP then come autum, Motorstorm 2, RES2 n LBP....

as for RPG's FF13 is the important one for me......syaing it will go multiplat is stupid as you have no proof.

So saying SONY is screwing me without knowing my gaming tastes go beyond just JRPG's is simplt stupid.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Auron said:
starcraft said:

I want my Versus demo NOW!

Hope it comes to XBL since it should go multi eventually.

Like all you M$ are saying, I'm saying the same thing but then...


PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo


despite the possibility of SO4 coming to PS3 are 70%.......while LR is coming only a few months late.........despite this WE need to buy a 360 while they don't need to buy a Ps3 cus somehow FF13 is definetely coming to 360

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

*~Onna76~* said:
Auron said:
starcraft said:

I want my Versus demo NOW!

Hope it comes to XBL since it should go multi eventually.

Like all you M$ are saying, I'm saying the same thing but then...


Auron sold his and regrets his decision.=]

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No Crystal Bearers? I'm sure it's canceled :'(


And BTW Auron the wii is a bitter disappointment games wise so far & I have 10 games on PS3.........more than I ever had on the PS2
so if you think i am "suffering" & "starving" for games consider yourself completely wrong.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@Dark Prince

I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop saying things like that all the time.....maybe they don't want to show it yet..

We must hope for it to come as it seemed very nice

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

starcraft said:
blazinhead89 said:
Auron said:
starcraft said:

I want my Versus demo NOW!

Hope it comes to XBL since it should go multi eventually.


ah come now, Xbox has plenty of RPGs already.

I'm pretty sure Versus will stay PS3 exclusive.

I'll buy a PS3 for it.

XIII itself means nothing to me. 


Why do you say that about XIII? I can easily say the same thing about Versus.Never really thought KH had much depth.

darthdevidem01 said:
And BTW Auron the wii is a bitter disappointment games wise so far & I have 10 games on PS3.........more than I ever had on the PS3

so if you think i am "suffering" & "starving" for games consider yourself completely wrong.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS