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Forums - PC Discussion - Spore minimum req. revealed

Wait, my laptop's graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT, which I would assume falls between the 8600 and 8800 cards, but it's not listed. It has 512MB of RAM too. I better be able to run this game though.

I meet the other specifications easily though.

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Stever89 said:
Wait, my laptop's graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT, which I would assume falls between the 8600 and 8800 cards, but it's not listed. It has 512MB of RAM too. I better be able to run this game though.

I meet the other specifications easily though.


No worries, you meet and exceed the requirements quite healthily.


Stever89 said:
Wait, my laptop's graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT, which I would assume falls between the 8600 and 8800 cards, but it's not listed. It has 512MB of RAM too. I better be able to run this game though.

I meet the other specifications easily though.

 Laptop-wise, yes.  The 8600M is not like the desktop 8600 though...the laptop versions definitely don't perform as well, especially at higher resolutions.

You're perfectly fine for Spore though.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ill be able to play it at high :D

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Sqrl said:

I personally own 9 video cards capable of playing this game (ranging from the low end to the high end)...I don't want to hear anyone complain about these requirements...seriously.....You should be able to meet these if you have any interest in PC gaming whatsoever.


Maybe its time for an upgrade?

 No money for an upgrade. Plus I'm not a huge PC player exept for Sims and probably Spore. I don't think it's worth for me to spend a lot on a computer.

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Hah. My new computer (with crappy on-board video (Radeon X1200)) can't play it, but this 5 year old PC sitting in my room doing nothing atm, can technically run it. Meh, all I need is a low end card and I'm good to go.

However, I wouldn't trust the old PC to run it, the motherboard is in such awful shape I don't know how it still works.

Anyways, this is about what I expected from Maxis, nice low requirements. Great for me, I don't buy the flashy fancy FPS games or whatever. I play turn-based strategy, Sim City and stuff like that. I don't have to spend lots of money on video cards. :D

Fayceless said:
Hah. My new computer (with crappy on-board video (Radeon X1200)) can't play it, but this 5 year old PC sitting in my room doing nothing atm, can technically run it. Meh, all I need is a low end card and I'm good to go.

However, I wouldn't trust the old PC to run it, the motherboard is in such awful shape I don't know how it still works.

Anyways, this is about what I expected from Maxis, nice low requirements. Great for me, I don't buy the flashy fancy FPS games or whatever. I play turn-based strategy, Sim City and stuff like that. I don't have to spend lots of money on video cards. :D

 Civ 4 had some pretty healthy specs when it was released i think didn't it?  I remember my old computer could run it... but by the time you got mid game it took like a half hour between turns.

I should be able to run it.

1.6GHz Pentium M Processor

NVidia GeForce Go 6800 256mb

2GBs of RAM

(yes, it's a laptop) 

I can run The Sims 2 with all expansion packs at top settings and it runs pretty good, and I heard Will say that if you could do that you can 100% play Spore.

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

I can't run it, I would have to upgrade from Tiger to Leopard.

where does it say that's the minimum?

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D