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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - AAA Wii third-party support on the way, says Capcom community specialist

Voltaire said:
Yeah, triple AAA like spygorgs!

 Spyborgs looks like an interesting game.  Hope it's good

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I take this as a good sign and prepare for an exciting future for the Wii, note also he is not talking about Capcom only.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.


Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

i hope they keep there word unlike som developer,im looking at you ubisoft

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

We'll know all come E3.

... I hope. :p About time they all started to unveil their stuff!

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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I'll be waiting then... Wonder what they have in store for us?

^hopfully a new RE and maybe mega man

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I've been saying this exact thing for a damn bloody year.

Developers caught off-guard. Most didn't expect the Wii to rush out of the gate to be as successful as it is.

AAA titles take time to make.

Post Wii & DS launch, many devs and started focusing on more Wii & DS support with a report from last summer indicating that Square-Enix, Sega, and Capcom had all cancelled a lot of PS3 support to refocus on the Wii and DS. These titles will take some time to reveal, and longer to launch.

I've been saying all this crap for a year while others have just seemingly complained, expecting the Wii to have AAA titles churned out in just a few months.

tuoyo said:
I don't think this will ever happen. Developers just prefer releasing their big hitters on 360/PS3.

Developers like making money, they certainly don't mind cutting development costs. They would have to be deaf blind and stupid not to understand the numbers and the momentum.  I don't think you will be waiting all that long either. It does take some serious time to develop a major game but believe me; they also can see walking into a vacuum for whoever gets their first. The first really high budget quality mature game that is different from what Nintendo does to get to market is guaranteed a major hit, just from pent up demand. 

Riachu said:
Voltaire said:
Yeah, triple AAA like spygorgs!

 Spyborgs looks like an interesting game.  Hope it's good

yeah spyborgs does really look like a good game im interested in it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"