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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So many JRPG fans on VGChartz?

More than two of the JRPG's announced today being delayed on PS3 I am more confounded by the stupid decisions being made..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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ookaze said:

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.

Kind of like Metal Gear Solid 4...


Well it would still sell triple the amount of what their gonna sell on 360

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

then the wii for gods sake.....why not the wii

From what I've heard, most of the 360 RPG development we've seen so far comes down to two factors: 1) those companies believed that HD consoles were going to be the next big thing, and Microsoft offered them development kits over a year before Sony did (which, combined with the three year development cycle, would neatly explain why we're seeing so many launches for the 360 recently). 2) Moneyhatting: Microsoft is quite willing to spend cash to gain marketshare, and it was eagerly gunning for Japan at the console's launch. We're seeing what I suspect is the tail end of that effort. If there are still a lot of Japanese RPGs coming out for the system two years from now, I'll be surprised, although I expect we'll continue to see more come in over the next year (again, because of development times).

Edit: Jesus! How fast do you people type!? 

DragonLord said:

Honestly, Persona 3 isn't going to do very well because who the hell wants to buy last gen games anymore?  Even God of War II didn't do near as well as it should have on the ps2 because most people want games on a current console.

As far as the ps3, it doesn't have any JRPG's yet...unless you want to call that piece of shit Enchanted Arms a game.  Disgaea 3 and Valkyrie Chronicles are JRPG's; HOWEVER, they are SRPG's (Strategy) which is NOT what most of the people clamoring for JRPG's want.  And Disgaea 3 has worse graphics than some psp games from what I've seen of it.

And nobody really expects the 360 to sell many JRPG's because it has no install base in Japan and most 360 owners are hardcore shooter fans.


So at this point, the games are either on an outdated console - PS2.

There are none, like the PS3.

Or they're for the wrong userbase - 360.

That simple.  I think we're going to be seeing a lot of old-school gamers (like myself) lose patience with Sony very soon and start to buy 360's.

You make some very good points.  However the tons of people that bought the wii say they wanted to have "fun" so graphics don't matter. Thats the only advantage PS3 and 360 have over the PS2 so the new console thing doesn't explain why P3 didn't sell.  In my opinion P3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SO3 and I think most people who have played both would agree with me. SO3 reached 1 million because it was published by S-E even though it sucks relative to P3. Yet most of these people are complaining about not getting to play SO4 when they ignored a vastly superior game of the same genre. Its like a gamer who skipped COD4 complaining that Quake Wars is a timed exclusive.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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noname2200 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
noname2200 said:
Riachu said:
darthdevidem01 said:


No hate, from what I can tell, just indifference. RPGs in general aren't anywhere near as huge outside of Japan as they are within. Although a lot of Western games incorporate RPG-esque qualities (stats and the like). And I don't think Western RPGs outsell their Japanese counterparts on a consistent basis in the West.

...and the PS360 doesn't sell anywhere near the Wii, but that doesn't stop the fans of those systems from thinking they are better than everybody else.


If you're not at least a fan of the Final Fantasy series of old, then you've missed a lot of what gaming is about.

I agree, which is why I love the SNES Final Fantasies and IX (the other Playstation era ones, not so much. But that's personal preference). You're also leaving out a crapload of other awesome Japanese RPGs, such as Tactics Ogre, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Soul Blazer, etc. etc. Forgive me if I was unclear: it seems my comments were taken as an attack on the genre, when they were meant as objective "analysis", for lack of a better term. But much as I enjoy RPGs, I've never believed they were a particularly broad genre. A few notable games go on to become blockbusters, but the Final Fantasies and Elder Scrolls are more the exception than the rule.

RPGs are a little on the hardcore side so that might have something to do with it.  Elder Scrolls didn't become mainstream until Oblivion.  People just love to trash that game and say Morrowind is better even though they fully know well that the latter had a ton of bugs and technical issues.


Pristine20 said:
Cougarman said:
JRPG is my second favorite genre behind action adventure like zelda, okami

Judging by your game collection, you seem to have skipped Persona 3 as well. Its hard for me to imagine that a hardcore JRPG fan would skip that game. Are gamers on this site just obsessed with the idea of having RPGs on their system of choice when they don't even buy them?

i may not have Persona 3 i will get it soon, here is a list of jrpg games in my collection FFXII, FFX, tales of legendia, tales of abyss, valkyrie profile, rogue galaxy, wild arms 4, kingdom hearts 2, suikoden 5. i never added them in my collection in this site for some reason

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
ookaze said:
I don't believe one bit that there so many JRPG fans here or anywhere else.
The fact is that MS announced its JRPG lineup, like their plan originally was, surely to deter MGS4 release.
So, as is usual with MS, their viral marketers are hard at work, like it should be.
When I say there are always over reactions behind most even barely passable XB360 releases, that's just a way to say that the viral marketers (the shills and/or the astroturfers) are hard at work.
This is no different here.

Remember Eternal Sonata ? It was the same nonsense. When the PS3 port is announced, you then hear lots of XB360 owners saying the game is crap.
You won't hear that about any exclusive of course.

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.


Well said

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Words Of Wisdom said:
ookaze said:

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.

Kind of like Metal Gear Solid 4...

 SOIV seems to be getting a lot of hype if it is being seen as the second coming of Jesus like MGS4 is/was

ookaze said:
I don't believe one bit that there so many JRPG fans here or anywhere else.
The fact is that MS announced its JRPG lineup, like their plan originally was, surely to deter MGS4 release.
So, as is usual with MS, their viral marketers are hard at work, like it should be.
When I say there are always over reactions behind most even barely passable XB360 releases, that's just a way to say that the viral marketers (the shills and/or the astroturfers) are hard at work.
This is no different here.

Remember Eternal Sonata ? It was the same nonsense. When the PS3 port is announced, you then hear lots of XB360 owners saying the game is crap.
You won't hear that about any exclusive of course.

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.

Well, that certainly might be true for a few people.

However, I entirely love Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360. I heard that the PS3 version is Japan only.

...and I agree that Till the End of Time wasn't the best game I've ever played, but it had a very fun battle system and lasted me quite a while.


Now let me tell you something, sir, that you might not realize. The PS1 didn't have much of a chance for success when it was launched, except for two things. One was Resident Evil 1, the genre creator for the PS1. The second, and much more major boon for the Playstation Brand was when Squaresoft announced Final Fantasy and JRPG exclusivity for the PS1, due to the CD-Rom software format.

Back then, the console market was made up of mostly kids, and the hardcore gaming crowd, and back then you weren't a hardcore gamer unless you played the hell out of Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI.


When VII was released, it moved the JRPG genre to the mainstream that we know it as today, and for good reason, the game was a masterpiece. Sony can thank the success of the PS1 and later the success of the PS2 on FFVII and FFX, both of which were MAJOR system sellers. Each individually moreso than every version of MGS combined.


It has repeated with the PS3. Thanks to Final Fantasy XIII, the PS3 is now performing above averagely. Take away that exclusive a year ago and I'm not entirely sure how the PS3 would be selling right now, if at all. People who buy the PS3, buy it for Blu-Ray, MGS4, or Final Fantasy XIII. I would wager that more people bought it for FFXIII than for the other two combined, but I can't be sure.


Think about that the next time you want to claim that JRPG's are culturally irrelivant to the Playstation brand. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.