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ookaze said:
I don't believe one bit that there so many JRPG fans here or anywhere else.
The fact is that MS announced its JRPG lineup, like their plan originally was, surely to deter MGS4 release.
So, as is usual with MS, their viral marketers are hard at work, like it should be.
When I say there are always over reactions behind most even barely passable XB360 releases, that's just a way to say that the viral marketers (the shills and/or the astroturfers) are hard at work.
This is no different here.

Remember Eternal Sonata ? It was the same nonsense. When the PS3 port is announced, you then hear lots of XB360 owners saying the game is crap.
You won't hear that about any exclusive of course.

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.

Well, that certainly might be true for a few people.

However, I entirely love Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360. I heard that the PS3 version is Japan only.

...and I agree that Till the End of Time wasn't the best game I've ever played, but it had a very fun battle system and lasted me quite a while.


Now let me tell you something, sir, that you might not realize. The PS1 didn't have much of a chance for success when it was launched, except for two things. One was Resident Evil 1, the genre creator for the PS1. The second, and much more major boon for the Playstation Brand was when Squaresoft announced Final Fantasy and JRPG exclusivity for the PS1, due to the CD-Rom software format.

Back then, the console market was made up of mostly kids, and the hardcore gaming crowd, and back then you weren't a hardcore gamer unless you played the hell out of Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI.


When VII was released, it moved the JRPG genre to the mainstream that we know it as today, and for good reason, the game was a masterpiece. Sony can thank the success of the PS1 and later the success of the PS2 on FFVII and FFX, both of which were MAJOR system sellers. Each individually moreso than every version of MGS combined.


It has repeated with the PS3. Thanks to Final Fantasy XIII, the PS3 is now performing above averagely. Take away that exclusive a year ago and I'm not entirely sure how the PS3 would be selling right now, if at all. People who buy the PS3, buy it for Blu-Ray, MGS4, or Final Fantasy XIII. I would wager that more people bought it for FFXIII than for the other two combined, but I can't be sure.


Think about that the next time you want to claim that JRPG's are culturally irrelivant to the Playstation brand. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.