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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 > Xbox UK!

blazinhead89 said:
Does that include Rebuys due to RROD?

So, what you're saying is that PS2 probably only sold about 90 million instead of 127? 

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Article up, should be on the front page momentarily.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

@bitmap frogs

I feel in EU PS3 will outsell PS2

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Yey to x360 i guess

does the uk cover both uk and ireland i think it does.
anyway congratz 360 on keeping the sales up.





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In only 2.5 years. Another epic success for the X360.

Slimebeast said:
In only 2.5 years. Another epic success for the X360.

spot on slimebeast keep it up 360





thekitchensink said:
blazinhead89 said:
Does that include Rebuys due to RROD?

So, what you're saying is that PS2 probably only sold about 90 million instead of 127? 

so, what ur saying is PS2 has a 23% failure rate?

Krusnik said:
blazinhead89 said:
Does that include Rebuys due to RROD?

Hmm....... yeah probably just like all those PS2 DRE's

DRE was no where near as common as RROD.

also passed 19 million as well.
on this site.