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Forums - General Discussion - Scrubs Or Family Guy. Which Do You Prefer?

Family Guy by far.

Scrubs is terrible and just isn't funny.


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im watching my scrubs season 1 boxset as i post!

family guy, sorry but i cannot stand dramedy, to make me laugh a little then try and teach me a lesson is like going to a religious camp.

I frequently watch them both but I might have to choose scrubs.

Watching scrubs right now! Anyway, South Park is the best comedy show on TV, Family Guy does make you laugh, but after Cartoon Wars the south park episode you are mostly just laughing at it

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*looks at sig*

family guy

Scrubs, I enjoy family guy but it's too gaggy

American Dad?

Scrubs is ok, the other one also. nothing to great. how often can you laugh at a looser? the only really outstanding episode was when everyone was singing the whole time.

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Scrubs is a long penis ahead of Family Guy.

Fernando said:

I prefer Scrubs...


But right now, my favorite sitcom is Big Bang Theory. Is extremely funny. Specially for us geeks and gamers. Sheldon is very funny.



