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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ok, I'm back - big stories over the last two weeks?

That might help. "The week that was" by BengaBenga

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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Ubisoft announced some Babyz Partys game for the Wii, and then they confessed that they're copying Nintendo's example when developing for the Wii. So they're only making ultra-mega-super-casual games, nothing like actually copying Nintendo's example of bridge titles like Mario Kart and Brawl and whatnot.

Then they admitted they're just taking advantage of non-gamers who don't know any better so they can fund their HD games for the "hardcore HD consumers." There was a huge PR shitstorm across the web, in which Ubisoft shut down its own forums, and many Wii users here decided to boycott Ubisoft. Then within 2 days 4 new Wii exclusives were announced (not by Ubisoft of course).

And yeah, some Anonymous losers started spam accounts and posted MGS4 spoilers all over the place and got banned. They were doing it in PMs and on people's comment walls.

Oh, and did you hear about the MGS4 reviews? Konami wouldn't let reviewers discuss the length of the cut scenes or the install times (there are multiple installations). It was a very minor shitstorm, and Konami came out and explained it all themselves.

Welcome back.

I don't see MGS4 doing anything significant for PS3 hardware - but we'll see. Maybe extra 200k hardware over 1-2 months.

Boycotting Ubisoft is a joke - why?? I just don't get it. At least they are actually supporting the Wii. It makes perfect sense for them to spend the "mega" bucks on 360/PS3 titles IMO. When they do actually announce their big Wii titles at least they should be good. "Casual" gamers just don't care about high quality gfx, etc - so spending the time/money on it is silly.

Oh yeah - also saw the Beyond G&E II announcement - sweet, loved that for the GC. Another reason for me to get a HD console (sometime).

Heard about the 90min cutscenes - its never been my sort of game, so sort of steering away from it in general (wrong person to comment on it). Sure its a good game though. Censoring reviewers is always a bad move though - story spoilers are one thing, but "features" is not. 


IMO - bring Babiez Partiez on. The posters here are just showing that they are on this board for "fanboy" reasons, rather than industry/business reasons. Not only will that title undoubtably sell well, it could conceivably move more hardware than MGS4 did (no, not joking!). The more different a title is, and the more "hardcore" gamers "hate" on it - the more I'm liking the title.

Its exactly the reason the Wii is dominating - its the console for everyone, rather than just being for "gamers".


The whole Tecmo thing was pretty amusing :)


I don't believe for a second that SO4 will be a 360 "exclusive" (unless its in the RE4 definition of GC exclusive). SquareEnix are in this for business, not fanboy reasons (*cough* Konami) - I expect basically everything will either be DS, Wii, PSP or 360/PS3 (combined) exclusive. Design for the platform in question, do it well - but when multiple platforms are essentially "identical" - then hit them both.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see FFXIII turn up x-platform - we'll see.


Lots more Wii games for me :) Happy me!

(just give me Fatal Frame for now... looking sweet!) 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099


then why are 80Gb bundles SELLING out everywhere....

WHy is PS3 SOLD OUT in UK in the 3 major retailers?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


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darthdevidem01 said:

then why are 80Gb bundles SELLING out everywhere....

WHy is PS3 SOLD OUT in UK in the 3 major retailers?

 You should really stop highlighting so many words in your posts with underlines/bold/capitals etc.... MGS4 is turning you into Crazzy.

Regarding selling out... if it is truly sold out (not just online) surely the weekly sales would be higher, yet they dropped to 90k this week in "others" and UK saw a drop from last week too. I have no doubt MGS4 is going to dramatically increase sales, in "others" it may even reach up to normal Wiikly sales, and in America it might even get up to 100k.

darthdevidem01 said:

then why are 80Gb bundles SELLING out everywhere....

WHy is PS3 SOLD OUT in UK in the 3 major retailers?

Do you actually have any QUANTITIES? 1000? 5000? 50,000?

It doesn't actually mean anything unless you attach numbers to it.

Or look at it this way:

 - "Others" is selling around 100k PS3s a week at the moment

 - this might increase to ... 150k? for the MGS4 launch

There might be 10,000 bundles - which represents 7% of the total PS3 sales for the week.


We all saw what happened with GTA - weekly sales spiked to 200% on the week it was released - and within 4 weeks it was back to normal.

I'm pretty sure MGS will have LESS of an impact on sales than GTA did - so maybe an extra 100k hardware in Europe (over a month), 100k in the US, and about 50k in Japan.

The Japan sales will be interesting - with the PS3 hovering around the 9k mark (weekly), be real interesting to see what level hardware hits on launch week - I'm guessing around 30k.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099


Y-Koron predicted 60K for Japan

In NA......they are getting 15K per retailer or even more than that. Its sold out on Gamestop online as well.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@ shams, I think it will have a large effect in Japan, as there are limited edition bundles which I beleive are selling well (I know 1 of them has 100,000 copies)

tabsina said:

also a lot of irony

MaximusOptimus said:
Wii FANBOYS crying over Ubi not giving them quality games and then changing there mind to only Ubi developed games since tenchu will be released by Ubi.

SO4 coming to 360 and potential PS3 owners jumping ship to 360.



Learn the definition of irony.

Anyways, increasing PS3 sales to 30k for the launch is actually pretty good. It puts the PS3 sales in line with the Gamecube's in Japan. Of course, I'm obviously setting my standards very low. But if Sony could fill basic needs (backwards compatibility, for example), the sales for the PS3 might be a tad higher weekly.

And people are still boycotting Ubisoft, even now. Not realizing that when Wii owners bought EA's crappy games, it actually led to some pretty good games from them (Skate It and Boom Blox, to which the latter I'm interested in).