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Ubisoft announced some Babyz Partys game for the Wii, and then they confessed that they're copying Nintendo's example when developing for the Wii. So they're only making ultra-mega-super-casual games, nothing like actually copying Nintendo's example of bridge titles like Mario Kart and Brawl and whatnot.

Then they admitted they're just taking advantage of non-gamers who don't know any better so they can fund their HD games for the "hardcore HD consumers." There was a huge PR shitstorm across the web, in which Ubisoft shut down its own forums, and many Wii users here decided to boycott Ubisoft. Then within 2 days 4 new Wii exclusives were announced (not by Ubisoft of course).

And yeah, some Anonymous losers started spam accounts and posted MGS4 spoilers all over the place and got banned. They were doing it in PMs and on people's comment walls.

Oh, and did you hear about the MGS4 reviews? Konami wouldn't let reviewers discuss the length of the cut scenes or the install times (there are multiple installations). It was a very minor shitstorm, and Konami came out and explained it all themselves.

Welcome back.