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I don't see MGS4 doing anything significant for PS3 hardware - but we'll see. Maybe extra 200k hardware over 1-2 months.

Boycotting Ubisoft is a joke - why?? I just don't get it. At least they are actually supporting the Wii. It makes perfect sense for them to spend the "mega" bucks on 360/PS3 titles IMO. When they do actually announce their big Wii titles at least they should be good. "Casual" gamers just don't care about high quality gfx, etc - so spending the time/money on it is silly.

Oh yeah - also saw the Beyond G&E II announcement - sweet, loved that for the GC. Another reason for me to get a HD console (sometime).

Heard about the 90min cutscenes - its never been my sort of game, so sort of steering away from it in general (wrong person to comment on it). Sure its a good game though. Censoring reviewers is always a bad move though - story spoilers are one thing, but "features" is not. 


IMO - bring Babiez Partiez on. The posters here are just showing that they are on this board for "fanboy" reasons, rather than industry/business reasons. Not only will that title undoubtably sell well, it could conceivably move more hardware than MGS4 did (no, not joking!). The more different a title is, and the more "hardcore" gamers "hate" on it - the more I'm liking the title.

Its exactly the reason the Wii is dominating - its the console for everyone, rather than just being for "gamers".


The whole Tecmo thing was pretty amusing :)


I don't believe for a second that SO4 will be a 360 "exclusive" (unless its in the RE4 definition of GC exclusive). SquareEnix are in this for business, not fanboy reasons (*cough* Konami) - I expect basically everything will either be DS, Wii, PSP or 360/PS3 (combined) exclusive. Design for the platform in question, do it well - but when multiple platforms are essentially "identical" - then hit them both.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see FFXIII turn up x-platform - we'll see.


Lots more Wii games for me :) Happy me!

(just give me Fatal Frame for now... looking sweet!) 

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