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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

people seem to be scratching their heads as to why these games are going to the 360 because of it's low user base in Japan. Well can I tell you that there is a world outside of Japan where the 360 is doing very well and alot of money can be made off those other markets.

Sure the Japanese market for the 360 is not good at the moment, but as a 360 fan i'm hoping this will help it a great deal, also as a 360 fan living outside of Japan, i'm very much looking forward to buying these titles when they come out.

I was also hoping to hear what Mistwalker is up to but i guess we will have to wait till E3 or something.

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Sony should get their lazy ass up and pay alot of money to square enix and make ff7 remake thats what they should do.


Fucking Microsoft

How the hell do they expect me to play all these rpgs. I just beat lost odyssey and I still have to beat eternal sonata and with gears 2 coming out I have even less time.

Damn you, microsoft, damn you.


those amentioned jrpg`s wont sell very well on 360

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

tk1797 said:
Fucking Microsoft

How the hell do they expect me to play all these rpgs. I just beat lost odyssey and I still have to beat eternal sonata and with gears 2 coming out I have even less time.

Damn you, microsoft, damn you.

Well for us in EU, Tales of Vesperia becomes 2009, but in NA it will compete against Too Human in August.

Last Remnant is Winter release, so looks like it will be competing against Gears 2, Fable 2 and Banjo! I almost hope its January 2009 to give us a breather.

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DMeisterJ said:
@ Benga

Saw your above post.

Ever play MH? It's NOT a RPG.

What about RPGish is it you don't understand?

About your FF13 comment: Final Fantasy, while still a very good series, isn't the best RPG anymore. It has become more and more mainstream and the more hardcore RPG fans will want to see things like Star Ocean, Odin Sphere, Suikoden, maybe even Persona. In short all those amazing games that were on PS2.
So I really don't think FF13 wil be the RPG of this gen.

Overall the hypocrisy is laughable. First the argument to not put RPGs on Wii was that RPGs need to be graphically stunning, now the RPGs come to a graphically very capable console the excuse is that they won't sell in Japan. It's not like PS3 RPGs have sold well in Japan so far.

With SE having developed the Crystal tools, I think for the PS3 primarily, then it would not be that hard for them to make a PS3 game, i think they are using those tools for XIII.
The Last Remnant is an Unreal engine game, so making it on 360 is a lot easier than PS3, encouraging them to make it a timed exclusive, as it will probably take them longer to develop for it anyway, giving them some extra money

@Benga Benga

PS3 hasn't had ANY JRPG's in Japan yet

& FF13 will be THE JRPG this gen for the ifs or buts....its always been and it will continue to be

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
@Benga Benga

PS3 hasn't had ANY JRPG's in Japan yet

& FF13 will be THE JRPG this gen for the ifs or buts....its always been and it will continue to be

 Folklore is the closest, but I never really got into that game

I think that XIII will be the most popular, maybe best selling (certainly on PS3 or 360) even if it is not the best


Folklore is nothing like a JRPG

And FF13 will be the highest selling JRPG this gen.....unless DQ 10 (WIi i think) suddenly becomes huge in the west!!

Not counting Handhelds here

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey