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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 spoilers are everywhere

I was watching an innocent Super Mario Galaxy video on YouTube (such awesome music) and I scrolled down to see the comments...I only read the first and second sentences before I realized it was spoilers but it is engraved into my my mind forever.

They are everywhere.

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

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This should be a pretty safe place to hang out for the next few weeks. There will be bans if anyone posts spoilers without warning in this forum.

BTW, just to remind everyone... Report anyone who does post a spoiler so we can get it off the board right away.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Good to keep spoilers from people who don't want them, although i would not mind a few.... where are they?

NintendoTogepi said:

I was watching an innocent Super Mario Galaxy video on YouTube (such awesome music) and I scrolled down to see the comments...I only read the first and second sentences before I realized it was spoilers but it is engraved into my my mind forever.

They are everywhere.

 If it involves Otacon and the Patriots, then the spoiler was fake.  It was some guy on NeoGAF that started all the trouble.  He later admitted to it, and was perma-banned.

Phew, that was the one I read as well. Glad to know it's not true then ^^

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They are everywhere, but those who want them can't find them!

makingmusic476 said:

If it involves Otacon and the Patriots, then the spoiler was fake. It was some guy on NeoGAF that started all the trouble. He later admitted to it, and was perma-banned.

LOL!? I've read that spoiler twice and it's a fake? I even got one guy banned for telling that! And one English-speaking guy registered on a Finnish forum just to tell that (and something else I managed to evade). I'm feeling kinda relieved now... Maybe I should simply stay mostly offline till I've completed the game (don't have it yet though).

Fine i'll admit it. I've been the MGS4 youtube spoiler. I started the "Otacon dies at the end of MGS4 because Snake finds out he was a Patriot and was setting him up throughout the whole series". And also the "Solid Snake dies at the end of MGS4 because Otacon betrays him"


I'm sorry GAF. It was just too easy. You post a youtube link and I trolled the forums for about two hours and i'd post the most inane thing that came to mind and then sit back and watch the reactions of people overreacting.

Here is my Tampa Bay Rays badge. I am sorry.

Well that is kind of a spoiler that that does not happen, as it was a possible twist

I have seen gameplay, cinematics from key scenes of the game, and plot details that match the cinematics. I now know what happens in MGS4. Almost all of the spoilers are fakes. So if someone claims to know plot details without showing proof, it's fake.