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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Should Not Buy a Wii - A Non-Buyer's Guide

Grampy said:
Munkeh111 said:
Decent summary, but I think it could just be summed up in a few words, do you like wii-waggling for more than 5 minutes

As opposed to what? Thumb wiggling for 18 hours at a time?

 Basically... basically if you don't really see the longevity of the wii-mote stuff and you dont enjoy it as more than just a minor destraction, then you will not like the wii

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Munkeh111 said:
Grampy said:
Munkeh111 said:
Decent summary, but I think it could just be summed up in a few words, do you like wii-waggling for more than 5 minutes

As opposed to what? Thumb wiggling for 18 hours at a time?

 Basically... basically if you don't really see the longevity of the wii-mote stuff and you dont enjoy it as more than just a minor destraction, then you will not like the wii


Attention people, don't buy a Wii, it's a fad that lasts for 5 minutes confirmed!

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Grampy said:
Munkeh111 said:
Decent summary, but I think it could just be summed up in a few words, do you like wii-waggling for more than 5 minutes

As opposed to what? Thumb wiggling for 18 hours at a time?

God that was a good comeback, Grampy!!!



Grampy said:


Don’t purchase a Wii:

9) If you prefer gaming sitting on your butt. The Wii requires more physical involvment than thumb wiggling. (Can't believe I left this out)

 While I agree with many of the things on your list, I believe you have this one backwards.

Butt-controlled games. They are the future. And they are only on the Wii... 

noname2200 said:
Grampy said:


Don’t purchase a Wii:

9) If you prefer gaming sitting on your butt. The Wii requires more physical involvment than thumb wiggling. (Can't believe I left this out)

 While I agree with many of the things on your list, I believe you have this one backwards.

Butt-controlled games. They are the future. And they are only on the Wii... 

LOL!!!!! You are right, I forgot. I should have phrased that "If you prefer gaming sitting on the couch on your butt".

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Quite a good list.
Can you now please make the "360 or PS3? The definitive answer for Wii owners that MUST play Resident Evil 5" list? Please.

Grampy said:

9) If you prefer gaming sitting on your butt. The Wii requires more physical involvment than thumb wiggling. (Can't believe I left this out)

 I'm sorry but I have to call BS on that.  I prefer gaming on my butt and I love my Wii.  The only times I have ever stood while playing the Wii are WiiSports (a friend of mine sits for this too but to me it's so much more fun to get up and move around) and GH3 (cuz let's face it, you just can't "rock out" sitting down ).  And GH3 shouldn't really count "against" the Wii as I stand for GH2 on PS2 and RB (outside drums naturally).  For all of the other games I have played I sit down (SMG, Zelda:TP, MP3, SSBB, TC:SO, RE4, CoD3, MoH:H2 etc....)

I remember weeks back DmeisterJ's cousin was talking about how he thought you have to stand for Wii games and I think that's a misconception that really needs to be corrected. Nintendo's "Wii would like to Play" ads always show people standing in groups and laughing but I get just as much enjoyment planted in my chair alone with the Wii as I do any other console.

Grampy said:

Don’t purchase a Wii:

 1) If you expect to drive around Liberty City running over prostitutes. GTA and similar games will not ever come to the Wii, because those that want those games have already purchased HD consoles. Also the Wii is not a good platform for this type of game and the vast majority of Wii owners could care less about them anyway.

 Scarface, The Godfather, etc...say, "Hi!"

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Interesting -- but I think many of your points aren't accurate:


I like gaming with regular controllers also and my Wii offers that. I use the wavebird to play Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Brother: Brawl, for example. But I do like the new controllers offered by the Wii -- they're more comfortable to use, the pointing is awesome, and it's just generally an improvement, I feel. But there are still cases where antique console controllers work best, so I use them for that.


I like gaming on my butt too but I don't mind playing Wii fit, or standing up to bowl in Wii Sports. But 95% of the time, I'm sitting while we use the Wii.


I like gaming online and the best online console game I've played is Mario Kart: Wii. The online is smooth, easy, gaming with friends is quick and painless (you can join their game, or they can join yours -- the system prompts you when you are playing online). Getting games set up takes almost no time, you almost always play against 8 - 12 players, etc. It's better than anything I've played on Xbox Live.


Your first point is also incorrect -- as games like Godfather and No More Heroes are arguably as raunchy as GTA 4.  I had a lot more fun with Godfather than GTA 4, though. 


Personally, I just enjoy gaming overall, and I like having fun while I game. That's why my Wii is better than my 360. I have a 50" 1080p TV also, but I like the Wii better. It just has better games. To be fair, I prefer to play shooters on the best possible platform for them (the computer, by far) so the strongest part of the 360's library to casual shooter players doesn't apply to me. Hardcore shooter players, of course, use the PC.

Is it possible to be a hardcore gamer and not own a Wii? I've been considering this lately, and I think the answer is clearly 'no', as the way it is changing gaming should be interesting to all gamers who have a general interest in games, and not just a specific interest in one genre of game.

azrm2k said:
Grampy said:

9) If you prefer gaming sitting on your butt. The Wii requires more physical involvment than thumb wiggling. (Can't believe I left this out)

I'm sorry but I have to call BS on that. I prefer gaming on my butt and I love my Wii. The only times I have ever stood while playing the Wii are WiiSports (a friend of mine sits for this too but to me it's so much more fun to get up and move around) and GH3 (cuz let's face it, you just can't "rock out" sitting down ). And GH3 shouldn't really count "against" the Wii as I stand for GH2 on PS2 and RB (outside drums naturally). For all of the other games I have played I sit down (SMG, Zelda:TP, MP3, SSBB, TC:SO, RE4, CoD3, MoH:H2 etc....)

I remember weeks back DmeisterJ's cousin was talking about how he thought you have to stand for Wii games and I think that's a misconception that really needs to be corrected. Nintendo's "Wii would like to Play" ads always show people standing in groups and laughing but I get just as much enjoyment planted in my chair alone with the Wii as I do any other console.

 Ditto, also, technically everything on the wii (or at least what I know of) can be played while sitting on your behind, even the magical wii fit can be played sitting down. Was proven when wii fit owners answered the call to squilliam's request in the Wii forum.

Still, a nice list though.