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Grampy said:

9) If you prefer gaming sitting on your butt. The Wii requires more physical involvment than thumb wiggling. (Can't believe I left this out)

 I'm sorry but I have to call BS on that.  I prefer gaming on my butt and I love my Wii.  The only times I have ever stood while playing the Wii are WiiSports (a friend of mine sits for this too but to me it's so much more fun to get up and move around) and GH3 (cuz let's face it, you just can't "rock out" sitting down ).  And GH3 shouldn't really count "against" the Wii as I stand for GH2 on PS2 and RB (outside drums naturally).  For all of the other games I have played I sit down (SMG, Zelda:TP, MP3, SSBB, TC:SO, RE4, CoD3, MoH:H2 etc....)

I remember weeks back DmeisterJ's cousin was talking about how he thought you have to stand for Wii games and I think that's a misconception that really needs to be corrected. Nintendo's "Wii would like to Play" ads always show people standing in groups and laughing but I get just as much enjoyment planted in my chair alone with the Wii as I do any other console.