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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rate your consoles and handhelds

Wii: 8/10
DS: 10/10

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PS3 - 9/10 - Best games, best graphics, free online
Wii - 8.5/10 - Great console, score may go up by xmas as i buy more games
360 - 7.5/10 - Gears of War gives it 2.5 extra score, otherwise it would be a 6.

Only have time for the current-gen systems right now.

Wii: 8.5/10. This score is deceiving, as I think the console itself should be rated a 9.8. It has an ingenious interface, and Super Mario Galaxy is right up there in my top 3 or 4 games of all time (higher than any other Mario). Wii Sports got my mom to play a game for the first time in her life. I rate it lower than I'd like to because of the known issues--admittedly weak online play, and a lack of quality third-party (non-minigame) games for the time being. I can easily see my score rising an entire point over the next year.

360: 8.8/10. This would be somewhere in the mid-low 9's if I hadn't had the red ring of death twice. However, I've already played more games on the 360 that I personally thought were 'great' games than I did in the whole last generation. Gears of War is also one of my favourite all-time games, and the sequel looks to improve upon it in every way. While the PC has a better online interface, for free, since I'm a console gamer, Live offers great value to me.

PS3: 6/10:-|. There's future potential here (see what I did there?). It's a good system (the most powerful home console ever built, though by how much is debatable). However, there's a reason that I only own three games for mine, none of them multiplatform--in almost every single case, 360 games look better or offer a better experience in some way than PS3. It really doesn't have enough games (yet) that make me feel it was worth my $599. Uncharted is a great deal of fun, but Warhawk and Ratchet have been filler for me, at best. MGS4 looks great, though.

DS: 10/10 . Massive library of games (around 30 for me, and growing!) of every genre. Epic win! Best. Game. System. Ever.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I'll rate all the consoles that I have spent quite a lot of time with rather than the ones I have just owned because that would be a short list.

N64 - 9/10 - Has some of the greatest games of all time, I really did love it.
Wii - 8/10 - Extremely good system I just feel the library is a little half-baked at the moment - hopefully this score will improve soon
Xbox - 6/10 - Really solid system, I'm not much of an online gamer and don't like FPS though so not my perfect system.
PS2 - 5/10 - What was all the fuss about? I honestly didn't like it any more than an average system.
PS1 - 7/10 - Extremely solid system, spent hours and hours playing it. Sometimes in one go trying to do those damned endurance races in GT2.
GB/GBC - 7/10 - Gains a full extra point for pokemon. Give me another game with the original 150!
DS - 10/10 - Near perfection. I love this system so much.
PC - Too hard to score - Best games but damned annoying to use. Especially with Vista. For games and gaming 10/10, for ease of use 2/10.

All fo your guys scores are so high. Look at mine.

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PS3 8/10
PS2 9/10
PSP 7/10

SNES 10 Best library ever
Gamecube 8+ I loved it, best controller, WindWaker, REmake, RE4, Symphonia, Beyond Good & Evil, Fire Emblem and lots of Fifa. Just good memories.
Wii 8 Very happy with it, could improve gamewise
DS 8- Love it, but don't play it too often. Library is great though
NES 7,5 Got me into gaming, but is getting old
N64 7 Never liked it too much, great games are amazing, unfortunately there are only 5 or so.

PS2 9 RPG king

more of mine:

PS2 - 8/10 - Best libary ever
GBC - 7/10 - Only handheld ive kept
DS - 6.5/10 - few if any games i wanted, what games i did get were too easy.
PC - 9.5/10 - massive libary and great visuals and free online, PS3 is the only console that comes close to my PC

Atari 2600: 8/10

Atari Jaguar: 4/10

Nintendo Entertainment System: 9/10

Super Nintendo Entertainment System: 9.8/10

Virtual Boy: 6.4/10

Nintendo 64: 8/10

Nintendo Gamecube: 9.1/10

Nintendo Wii: Too early to tell/10

Sega Genesis: 8.8/10

Sega Saturn: 14/10

Sega Dreamcast: 7.4/10

Panasonic REAL 3DO: 5/10

Atari Lynx: 5.6/10

Neo Geo Pocket Color: 7.9/10

Game Boy Advance: Only used for connection for FF:CC/10

Nintendo DS: 9.6/10

Since I only buy consoles and games that I actually like/care about/share nostalgia with my family over, this list is competely based on an estimate of thee amount of time and fun spent with the games for the console. If the DS can pull one more magical RPG and Kirby game, it might take top honors from the Super Nintendo.

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starcraft said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:

PS3.  My only complaint is the lack of software but everything else is great.
Thats a fairly significant complaint..........


 What he probably means is that there could be 1 or 2 more games, but there are still plenty