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I'll rate all the consoles that I have spent quite a lot of time with rather than the ones I have just owned because that would be a short list.

N64 - 9/10 - Has some of the greatest games of all time, I really did love it.
Wii - 8/10 - Extremely good system I just feel the library is a little half-baked at the moment - hopefully this score will improve soon
Xbox - 6/10 - Really solid system, I'm not much of an online gamer and don't like FPS though so not my perfect system.
PS2 - 5/10 - What was all the fuss about? I honestly didn't like it any more than an average system.
PS1 - 7/10 - Extremely solid system, spent hours and hours playing it. Sometimes in one go trying to do those damned endurance races in GT2.
GB/GBC - 7/10 - Gains a full extra point for pokemon. Give me another game with the original 150!
DS - 10/10 - Near perfection. I love this system so much.
PC - Too hard to score - Best games but damned annoying to use. Especially with Vista. For games and gaming 10/10, for ease of use 2/10.