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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii are only for kids, they buy few games and Ninty games says Microsoft

I'm 18 years old.

-I have about 20 games for my 360, two or three of which were purchased launch day. Most are from third-parties (does this even really MATTER?). The vast majority are shooters, with some action games, a couple of RPGs, and one sports game.
-I have roughly 18 games for my Wii (17 without Wii Sports). Two of these, not including WS, were purchased launch day. About 55% of my Wii games are from third parties. ("=O gasp! Have they even made that many games???") Only two of these games (one Nintendo, one t-p) could be considered 'mini-game collections'--the rest are an equal mix of shooters, classic platformers, adventure-rpgs, the usual for a game system.

So, I have both consoles, and roughly an equal amount of games for them, across a WIDE VARIETY of genres. I suppose I don't exist.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Words Of Wisdom said:
nordlead said:
What everyone seems to be missing, is that Microsoft used to claim they won by selling 10m first, then they claimed they won by having higher revenue. Now they claim that total units don't matter, and that Microsoft's business area isn't dieing off.

Microsoft is reeling backwards and trying to keep buyer confidence up, along with developer confidence. They can see they are going to be loosing developers soon, and they are trying to shy them away from going to Nintendo by trying to convince them that only kiddie Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems.

Microsoft's "business area" has showed profit is possible on a Microsoft console and developers aren't leaving Microsoft in droves only to go to the Wii. Microsoft was smart by releasing their console first; the result of which was that every developer got familiar with the 360's dev kit before the PSWii. Using that as a crutch, we see a lot of multiplatform PS360 games which also look better on the 360. If developers were going to jump off the 360 boat, it'd be onto the PS3 boat since they've been building that skillset with their multiplatform efforts. That isn't likely to happen at the moment since the 360 also has the highest attach rate (IIRC).

All in all, this is just a PR move to slam the competition. There's nothing really new here.

 They may not be leaving now for a Nintendo console, but Microsoft is afraid of them leaving. There is a difference. Devs may go to the PS3 (epic for example would never develop for the Wii) but it sounds to me like Microsoft is afraid of developers leaving for Nintendo, and is bashing other consoles trying to convince others that theirs is still the best and that you can make money on it. Also, developers are already used to the wii - motion controls as the dev kit for the GC and Wii are very similar. As for attach rates, once the Wii gets enough consoles, attach rates will mean squat.

Of course I believe that profits are possible on any console, but it is looking more tempting every month to jump to the Wii. 

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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Well japanese 3rd parties are already leaving PS3/360 already. The only 3rd parties that still developing for PS3/360 are western developers anyway. Even CAPCOM I think that their last games thats on HD consoles are SF4 and Resident Evil 5 and other games that they announced during their gamer's day. I doubt they'll develop any games for HD consoles anymore, just look at preview sales charts in Japan, a niche title is competing with DBZ Burst Limit.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

And people wonder why I hate Microsoft more every day.

Well, if Microsoft's consistently chanting "Nintendo is for teh kiddies" worked last generation, it can't hurt to try it this time, right? I mean, something's gotta work...

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So in a sense, they make more money than us - so that's why they don't work in a loss?

Wierd, It would be good business if microsoft put the best of the best out there for the 3rd parties to compete with, then they could start making a profit instead being lazy and waiting for licensing fees to kick in.

Sony does it - their games just take forever to come out.
FolkLore was a good wait though, the girls run annoyed the hell out of me. =.=

I could of understood this a bit more if it was out of Shane Kims mouth.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

largedarryl said:
And people wonder why I hate Microsoft more every day.

That's because you are reading so much into Bach's comments that he actually didn't say.

It seems so often the heads of Microsoft Entertainment have (supposedly) insightful commentaries about the negatives of the competing consoles. I think they should spend more of their insights on making the 360 attractive to a larger segment of the public.

I would have more respect for the "3rd place complainers" at Microsoft if they said: "I commend Nintendo/Sony, and here's what we are doing."

Personally, with the consistently negative approach of their executives, I think Microsoft is finished. I strongly doubt any analytical thinking is going on there nowadays.

nordlead said:

They may not be leaving now for a Nintendo console, but Microsoft is afraid of them leaving. There is a difference. Devs may go to the PS3 (epic for example would never develop for the Wii) but it sounds to me like Microsoft is afraid of developers leaving for Nintendo, and is bashing other consoles trying to convince others that theirs is still the best and that you can make money on it. Also, developers are already used to the wii - motion controls as the dev kit for the GC and Wii are very similar. As for attach rates, once the Wii gets enough consoles, attach rates will mean squat.

Of course I believe that profits are possible on any console, but it is looking more tempting every month to jump to the Wii.


Of course Microsoft is afraid of developers fleeing its console, just like Nintendo and Sony.  Every manufacturer benefits from 3rd party support although Nintendo is special (it would be the least harmed to have to go without 3rd parties but would also gain the most by having them).  All of that is obvious I would think.

As for attach rates, I could turn your statement around by saying that if no one is buying tons of games then lots of consoles on the market means very little.  Once the Wii has more 3rd party efforts like No More Heroes that go on to succeed and fewer ports, things will become much more clear... one way or the other.

I'm sure the Wii is tempting for some developers however I'm sure they would miss all the niceties that the PS360 have that the Wii doesn't. 

Microsoft will make money this fiscal year, but if u add up life time there is no chance after their RROD issue.