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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is it worth SELLING my PSP n Getting a DS for JRPG's??

Well if I say stick out with your PSP , will that make any difference ? No , your mind is made up , so I have absolutly no idea why you even made this thread :( Posting this here or on would have had the same reaction IMO :?

Sell your PSP , whatever , but think about what youl miss . The last MGS rumor seems doubtfull , but a new PSP MGS is inevitable . Also , games like GTM , Dissidia and KH : BBS are all AAA games that will come soon :)

So yeah , you have to decide , but I see you already did that :(

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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Oh yes. It's worth selling your PSP just for The World Ends With You. Much less Phoenix Wright and Elite Beat Agents. Trust me now and thank me later. You can blame me if you think it was a wrong decision....but you won't.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Ahh see I'm really big on the Strategy RPG's as far as handhelds are concerned (I need me some epicness in the RPG genre and handhelds can't really slam me like that) and I really CAN'T do those on a DS, that screen is just too small for my liking :( Plus I never really got the point of having the second screen there.

If your a huge pokemon fan though (I am not >_>) then it sounds very much so down your alley :P Plus (should) you decide to go the hacker's path, you can fit a literal ton of DS games on a small card lol. My ex girlfriend has 150-200 pirated games -_-;

You'd be losing out big time on the media functionality and that simply gorgeous screen for movies and such, but if those are non-factors for you then go for it :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

If you don't even have the money for a DS without selling your PSP, you don't have enough money to buy many DS games...


Maybe he has enough money to either buy the DS and keep the PsP, but buy no game, or to sell the PsP, buy a DS and buy a few games.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Well I decided to KEEP my PSP after Metal GEar 3 for PSP was announced.......but that turned out to be fake

FF&:CC comes tomorrow.....if that is crap then PSP is going....nothing can stop that now

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Yeah I would. I've been loving The world ends with you, I haven't even touched my FF:CC title yet, and I've played Pokemon for like a 100 hours, And we aren't even tapping in yet to the big boys just wait till all the FF and Dragon Quest remakes come out, then FF tactics A2, and the new dragon quest, the system will be swiming in rpgs, yeah the Sonic rpg looks sweet too, Summon Nights looks good too, I've also enjoyed Harvest Moon, heroes of mana. And ASH sounds promosing.

Man I've never really thought about it but it will be at least 2 years before a single system this gen comes even close to the DS. If you like rpgs that much I would if I were you.

Just wanted to add, Dragon Quest Monsters, Children of Mana, and for me personally: Contact are good rpgs too, plus alot you can probably get cheap now. It's totally worth it.

if you can only own 1 then go for the ds

ChronotriggerJM said:
Ahh see I'm really big on the Strategy RPG's as far as handhelds are concerned (I need me some epicness in the RPG genre and handhelds can't really slam me like that) and I really CAN'T do those on a DS, that screen is just too small for my liking :( Plus I never really got the point of having the second screen there.

If your a huge pokemon fan though (I am not >_>) then it sounds very much so down your alley :P Plus (should) you decide to go the hacker's path, you can fit a literal ton of DS games on a small card lol. My ex girlfriend has 150-200 pirated games -_-;

You'd be losing out big time on the media functionality and that simply gorgeous screen for movies and such, but if those are non-factors for you then go for it :P

Fire Emblem DS, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, and Disgaea DS are all coming out soon, not to mention Rondo of Swords and the plethora of far superior DS JRPGs available.

So, I guess if want an MP3 player because your console has a fairly limited selection of RPG's and a less than stellar future lineup of games, then stick with your PSP, because trust me when I tell you, you'll need that MP3 player.


If you actually want to play games, though, I suggest selling it and getting a DS. No-one ever regrets that move. Basically you should either have both, or just a DS, imo.


Then again, maybe I'm just stealth promoting the DS, and it really sucks, and is only for playing Pokemon. Then again, it could just be PSP owner damage control, and PSP users could use Pokemon to combat cognitive dissonance.


You can tell when they start talking about that "gorgeous screen to watch movies on."

Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding me. I hate to flame the PSP, but come on guys, don't flame the DS when you have something to defend like the PSP. That's like Turkey firing a nuke at the US. Bad move, Turkey, bad move.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.