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Forums - General Discussion - Origin of your username? Would you change your name if you could?

Well, I picked "papfles", but I never got the email to confirm

*glares at vgchartz O_O

So next option, "little papfles" in my language, and it became "papflesje".

* keeps glaring at vgchartz

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I originally was going to put Pichu172
but Instead I changed to pichu_pichu, I choose my name cause I like pichu.

I don't think I'll ever change it

My original account => konnichiwa.... It was my nickname on the street my second one was lambardi...But I never want to change it because everyone would know it is me on a other forum;..This sucks;.

*Going to spam ioi's mailbox again*/

MANUELF, Manuel is my name and F is the first letter of my second name.

I would change my username to my initials ok, if I could.

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Choose my name to be generic so that i wouldn't leave a trail on the internet.

Plus I like V for Vendetta so it worked out

My last name is Casillas, I just switched C with a K and added my birth year. I wouldn't change it because I have the same username on other websites. My first online name was for SOCOM II and was TW-YOUNGGUN. I used that name for all Ps2 online games and a few websites until I decided to leave the clan 'Tactical Warfare'.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

ZaP comes from the times i played pokemon cards...and my favourite was Rocket's Zapdos, Zapdos, Zap...And i liked the way it sounds added the ~ to feel unique
And i don't want to change it

WiiU/Wii/3DS/DS/Xbox360/PS3/PSP Owner 
3DS FC: 1032-1246-9162  (Nacho)
Nintendo Network ID: Zap786
If you add me, please let me know to add you back

mine is from halo2/3 the brutes

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Vaio is a common greek name and my parents named me after my grandfather.

No I wouldn´t change it.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.