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Forums - Gaming Discussion - most addicting game youve ever played?

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Probably Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

oblivion, that game reels you in.

Most recently it's been Oblivion(well over 200 hours) and MLB 08's Road to the Show feature.
All time, I'm with Calamity, I spent more time with Tetris than any game since. I seriously doubt any game will ever come close.
Honorable mention has to go to Solitare and Minesweeper at work.

I've already been warned by a friend, though, that Disgaea 3 will be a legendary timesuck. So I'm looking forward to that, albeit with some trepidation.

Currently Assassins Creed, Trying to fully complete every Memory Block

Ages Ago Probably:
Destroy All Humans!
Dead Rising
The Sims


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

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izaaz101 said:
pichu_pichu said:
izaaz101 said:
Animal time I stayed up till 4 playing it.........and i had class at 8!

 but there's nothing going on at 4 in the morning

the shop is closed and the villagers are sleeping

I changed my gamecube clock to fast forward to some event...........can't recall which......think some guy was visiting,

 That's cheating!!!!!

 actually I do it too

WoW would of been, but I played mmorpgs before and didn't let myself get addicted. I quit when my druid got to lvl 22 or so. For me the most addicting game was probably Rose Online (PC) or Fire Emblem (GBA)

duke nukem 64 multiplayer. I don't know how many hours I spend playing this

Animal Crossing (GCN)

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Animal Crossing Wild World for DS [I used the tactic described by Pichu]

Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront 2 [I got legendary in everything except rockets and sniper]

GTA: San Andreas [over 600 hours on multiple files, at least]

Halo Custom Edition [over 120 hours of multiplayer]