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Forums - Gaming Discussion - most addicting game youve ever played?

i never have played WoW so i cant say that for me it has to be CS or maybe SSBB

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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ah, either Tekken 5 or COD4

wow ruined my life until about a year ago. WHen i quit i started my social life again and lost 40 pounds.

In terms of console.......hmm. Star ocean 3, FF 6-10 and Kessen are big time addicting to me. Along with KH

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

lost in blue, on the nintendo ds.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

so many games i played have been addicting,
mario kart

there has been more

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11ht11 said:
so many games i played have been addicting,
mario kart

there has been more

yeah there are so many but i think those that i said are the two most addicting for me

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Back in the day it was Pokemon when it first came out, Mario Kart 64 multiplayer and Goldeneye 64 multiplayer also ran my life.

Today I get addicted only to Harvest Moons, oh and GTA's are also addictive, especially IV.

oh and obviously Final Fantasy 6-12 ( with exclusion of 11, I never got round to playin that)

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