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Aj_habfan said:
Original team, not really, more like original name. They haven't made a great game for 10 years.

The original team that made Banjo is still with rare and its making this banjo.

This team wasnt responsible for Rare's other recent games (except KAmeo I think, which was awesome). 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Hawkeye said:
starcraft said:
Hawkeye said:
Blacksaber said:
I would say this go for the 360 now and a get a PS2 after the price cut.

But isn't 360 getting an $100 price cut this fall?

No chance. A small cut maybe, but if you look at MS's latest quarter, they dont have the margin for a cut that big. Yes they are starting to introduce cheaper models, but they still dont want to slip back into the red.

That sucks. Is the$280 arcade version online and HD cabable? Or are those features stipped to make it $70 cheaper?

No.  The arcade cannot go online, but it is HD capable.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@Hawk Eye

best thing to do is a PS2....if things look up for PS3....return the PS2 & buy an 80 GB PS3...that way you keep the PS2 games & lose no money

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Slimebeast said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Oh, and Hawkeye, a Warning about Starcraft....

If you came here and said "I want a console, and the only thing it MUST have, is the letters o, s, y, and n in it's name, he would find a way to promote the 360 as a better fit for your needs.

While he as said very little wrong in this thread, take what he says with a grain of salt. He is more interested in pushing the 360 then he is in making sure you have the best platform for your needs.

Geez... I'm about to explode now. What about all the PS3-fanboys in the thread??? They're trying to push their console even more.

Very unfair post.

 Well, I said the PS2+360 option was not a bad idea, so you can't be talking about me.

I think for the needs of this person, the PS3 is the obvious choice. Regardless of the PS3 or 360, he wants to play PS2 games. That's in effect a $129 savings off a BC PS3, and the PS3 plays the PS2 games better on an HDTV then the PS2 does.

He has a PSP. There are loads of cool things you get with the PS3 if you have a PSP.

He said he wants to better utilizes his HDTV when watching Movies. Both will do that (the 360 upscales, and has HD DLC), but the PS3 is the obvious choice if you want a console that is the best HD movie player. 

More times then not in these kinds of threads, I end up recommending the 360 when people ask. for this individuals needs and current equipment, the PS3 is the better choice.

No one who is saying get a PS3 is saying so for reasons that are unreasonable. hell, Starcraft has not been unreasonable. But he would NEVER, and I mean NEVER recommend that someone get a PS3 over a 360. This thread is about "what console should I get".  I think Hawkeye should know that when taking Starcrafts comments into account.

Hawkeye said:
darthdevidem01 said:

also PS2 looks like crap on a HD TV....seriously....but PS3 upscales the games to make them look nice

just giving you a warning as I could not play GT 4 or FF12 on my friends HD TV with his PS2 plugged in

 My GC and VC games look like S**T on my HDTV but it is too much of a pain to unhook the sesor bar and transfer TVs :(

I do have another TV though that is SDTV and 30 something inches big. Does PS3 make PS2 games look great the way the Wii makes VC games look great? (assuming I an SDTV, I am sure PS2 games will look terrible on HDTV) 

 The PS3 does have an upscaler for PS1/PS2 games, but how well it works (in my experience) varies widely from game to game. Looking at what you've said so far, I think your best course of action would be to get a PS2 now and let that tide you over until the holiday season. My reasoning for this is simple:

1) you have a HUGE list of games you want to play on it.

2) it only costs $130, which I assume you have availible.

3) If it does get a price cut, you'll only "lose" $30. Instead of the possible $50-$100 if you get a PS360 at the "wrong" time.

4) It'll give you time to decide whether you have to have BK3 (ie. it'll be out by then and you'll be able to read reviews/look at screens and trailers/maybe play it at friend's house a few times)

5) you won't have to worry about BC for your games. While the 80 GB PS3 does play most PS2 games, not all of them work. (the site to check the BC status is: )

6) It'll stop darth, starcraft, and Maffoo from flaming each other. ;)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Around the Network
starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Oh, and Hawkeye, a Warning about Starcraft....

If you came here and said "I want a console, and the only thing it MUST have, is the letters o, s, y, and n in it's name, he would find a way to promote the 360 as a better fit for your needs.

While he as said very little wrong in this thread, take what he says with a grain of salt. He is more interested in pushing the 360 then he is in making sure you have the best platform for your needs.

Not a troll or a slam, just wanted to let you know, so you have that additional information when weighing all the options put forth here.

pushing the PS3 or 360 is something Starcraft and I go back and forth on all the time, doing it when someone is about to drop 500 bucks is a different story all together.

Ahh I see. So a warning about me, but nothing about Tombi or Darth (or hell, yourself)?

I have no desire to "push the 360." It wouldnt be worth all this effort to move 1 360. Whats important is that I am enjoying a far greater gaming experience than my friends with PS3's.

Lets look at whats been said by the OP:

"does the benfit of blu ray and remote play and PS3 games outweigh the benifit of Xbox 360 games and Xbox 360's multiplayer capabilites (as it has better though expensive online and most of my friends have a 360)"

Mate. You have essentially just said you know the 360 has the better games. If you really need Blu-Ray, buy a PS3 (which I might add Mafoo, I'd already said earlier). But as for games? The 360 has the PS3 beat in every genre your interested in. I'm glad to see you weren't swayed by Darth's misleading statements about Banjo.

The PS2 will see a price cut later this year. There is a very good chance the PS3 price wont come down this year at all. If it does, it will be a token drop. Future titles for the 360 look just as good as the PS3's. FFXIII wont come to the USA for at least 18 months (minimum) by which time the PS3's price might have dropped substantially.

BAsed on what your saying:

- IF you must have Blu-Ray, go PS3.

- If you want to play games, go 360.

 Yeah... but I do want blu-ray. But not that much. like 6/10 wanting level. vs 10/10 BK wanting level lol. but PSP remote play also would be pretty cool, and PS3 saves me $130 for PS2, plus upscales it. Also I think by late 2010 PS3 and 360 will be tied in games I want... but thats in quite a while indeed.

I think it is completely unfair starcraft that you say

"if you want to play games go for 360" -- as it sounds fanboyistic & very foolish...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

starcraft said:
darthdevidem01 said:

yes but he seems to like JRPG's.....XBOX was terrible for JRPG's

and most PS2 JRPG's destroy the 360 ones....

also as I said PS2 connected to a HD TV outputs horrible grfx,.....this is known everywhere by now.....its only through the PS3 upscaling that I was able to replay MGS2..


Hawkeye, you know they are arguing for a lost cause when they start telling you the PS3 beats 360's JRPG's because of the PS2.


 True, but I like SRPGS more than JRPGS, and PS3 is getting Disagaea 3. Then again, suppodely more JRPGs are being announced for 360, and there are like 10 SRPGS that I want between DS and PSP and PS2.

starcraft said:
tombi123 said:
starcraft said:
tombi123 said:
starcraft said:
Oh, and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts will be the only platformer out this generation to rival SMG's brilliance.

Ummm no. That would be LittleBigPlanet. Is Banjo even a platformer anymore? Its 80% racing.

Lol. So established franchise with its original team vs new IP without notable team?



I wasn't doubting whether Banjo will be quality or not. I was doubting whether it was actually a platformer anymore. 80% racing doesn't sound like a platformer.

As for LittleBigPlanet, the previews from the media are all very positive. They love its style, originality and idea. You cant deny that it has the potential to be up there with SMG can you?

I agree that LBP looks very good.  But your wording "Umm no, that would be" made it sound like LBP will be good to the exclusion of the other platformer, Banjo Kazooie.


 Well you excluded LBP in your first post :P 

It takes something special to rival SMG. I think LBP is the only game with that 'wow factor' that could rival SMG. I still stand by my statement than BK3 isn't a platformer in the same way R&C:ToD isn't a platformer. Neither have enough platforming. 


darthdevidem01 said:
I think it is completely unfair starcraft that you say

"if you want to play games go for 360" -- as it sounds fanboyistic & very foolish...

 unfortunately, it's more than half right....

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it