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Hawkeye said:
darthdevidem01 said:

also PS2 looks like crap on a HD TV....seriously....but PS3 upscales the games to make them look nice

just giving you a warning as I could not play GT 4 or FF12 on my friends HD TV with his PS2 plugged in

 My GC and VC games look like S**T on my HDTV but it is too much of a pain to unhook the sesor bar and transfer TVs :(

I do have another TV though that is SDTV and 30 something inches big. Does PS3 make PS2 games look great the way the Wii makes VC games look great? (assuming I an SDTV, I am sure PS2 games will look terrible on HDTV) 

 The PS3 does have an upscaler for PS1/PS2 games, but how well it works (in my experience) varies widely from game to game. Looking at what you've said so far, I think your best course of action would be to get a PS2 now and let that tide you over until the holiday season. My reasoning for this is simple:

1) you have a HUGE list of games you want to play on it.

2) it only costs $130, which I assume you have availible.

3) If it does get a price cut, you'll only "lose" $30. Instead of the possible $50-$100 if you get a PS360 at the "wrong" time.

4) It'll give you time to decide whether you have to have BK3 (ie. it'll be out by then and you'll be able to read reviews/look at screens and trailers/maybe play it at friend's house a few times)

5) you won't have to worry about BC for your games. While the 80 GB PS3 does play most PS2 games, not all of them work. (the site to check the BC status is: )

6) It'll stop darth, starcraft, and Maffoo from flaming each other. ;)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it