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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Analysts Warn of "struggle" For xbox.

Crap article when the 360 is in last place and the wii is faiing to dale consles then talk about this....Till then people just need to shut up and get over it

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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These analysts still think Microsoft needs to make money eventually (and apparently Sony shouldn't have a problem), but the latest quarterly reports showed Microsoft is finally starting to see the light with Sony moving in the wrong direction. Seems like these analysts read financial reports different than I do.

disolitude said:
TheBigFatJ said:
Bod: interesting point. They're definitely talking in circles, and predicting that the PS3 will sell more software in 2010 or 2011 than the Wii is predicated on the idea that the Wii will somehow stumble, and stumble badly.

You know, I have a new Xbox 360 (manufactured in April) and I'm just dieing for an excuse to use it. Right now, Mario Kart, Smash and Wii Fit are dominating my gaming, time, especially Kart, and I can't find a reason to play my 360. I've been thinking about Ninja Gaiden 2, but I recently picked up God of War 2 for $10 new, so we'll probably play through that first.

The analysts have a point, to an extent: beyond its core competencies the Xbox 360 doesn't have a great library. If you take sports, shooters and hardcore racers out (lots of people don't like those three genres) then there isn't much great exclusive gaming to have on that platform.

Aren't those the exact same games wii is struggling with? And it seems to be doing fine. You don't have to cover all bases to be a success...

To an extent, but I think the Wii's games have a wider appeal. The Wii has genres not available anywhere else (Wii Fit, Brain Age).  DDR is not like Wii Fit. 

The Wii does have most genres covered well, though -- Metroid Prime 3 is one of the best console shooters I've played, for example.  

so Wii is still a Fad????

It sure is a long Fad thing the Wii really, I think the Fad will continue until Wii 2 and then start a new Fad.


That installbase chart.... Wii selling so bad that already sold Wiis dissapear in 2011....

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Kyros said:
I don't know. I also thought that the PS3 would increase its advantage after BluRay. But if anything the gap is getting smaller. Sony really needs to drop the price to 299$ to change the game. The moment they do that not even a price drop could save the 360 from getting left behind.

 Yeah, why would Sony want to make any money at all off the PS3, anyway?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Ridiculous article. Interesting, though somewhat ridiculous. For one, if the Xbox360 will "fail" in Europe because it's not casual enough, then why do they think the PS3 will succeed? It's pretty much the same thing with a Blu-Ray player.

And the PS3 will have a hard time out performing the X360 or Wii in terms of software for three reasons: A) Many PS3 owners bought it more as a high-def movie player than a game machine, so they don't buy as much software as they do Blu-Ray movies; B) All (give or take a couple) multiplatform games sell better on the X360 than the PS3; and C) It's just as much a "hardcore" anti-casual machine as the Xbox360 is. And it still costs more.

Anyone who still thinks the Wii is a fad needs to have their head examined.

lol debates i love it!!!

Yeah, why would Sony want to make any money at all off the PS3, anyway?

I didn't say it is a good financial decision. But getting the price below 300 would do wonders IMO.

It's all about $$$.  Sony will come out with better motion control with the PS4, full backwards compatibility, and blu ray while staying under $400 for a starting price.  This should help them get in the green faster next gen.  Microsoft should continue to buy up good software developers and develop for all systems.  They should also push Live on the PC against Steam, and they should try to come to turns with Sony to put Live on the PS4.  Microsoft has been in the business over 8 years and the best they've done is a couple of profitable quarters.

I didn't realize that selling:

XBOX360 - 18.99M
PS3 - 13.11M
Wii - 27.09M

It's bad! I don't know where they are getting their analysis!

This week only:

XBOX360 - 138,125
PS3 - 149,832
Wii - 361,545

Wii is certanly fading away! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

If Wii doesn't sell more consoles untill the end it still is a sucess! It selled almost 30.000.000 consoles! LOL

Analysts make me laught! LOOOOOOOL

Ah! And by the way..... Everyone talks about XBOX360 but:

Others - 6.78M Others

Uhhh! Reallyyyyyyyy Badddddddddd! Considering last XBOX console did very bad, if you have 6.780.000 it's really but REALLY BAD! LOL

And this week:

Others - 76,011

Oh no! We selled another 70.000 + consoles! How bad can it get?

Do you all wanna know something? Everyone talks bla bla bla but in NOVEMBER everyone is going to play:


Ah! And in MARCH everyone is getting:


Glad to have BOTH consoles! :)

Analysts SUCK, do they PLAY at least? Do they know HOW TO? At least? :)

They make me laught! :))

By the end of this generation in 2011 we will have:


18.890.000 + (174 x 120.000) = 39.770.000 for XBOX360
12.610.000 + (174 x 170.000) = 42.190.000 for PS3