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disolitude said:
TheBigFatJ said:
Bod: interesting point. They're definitely talking in circles, and predicting that the PS3 will sell more software in 2010 or 2011 than the Wii is predicated on the idea that the Wii will somehow stumble, and stumble badly.

You know, I have a new Xbox 360 (manufactured in April) and I'm just dieing for an excuse to use it. Right now, Mario Kart, Smash and Wii Fit are dominating my gaming, time, especially Kart, and I can't find a reason to play my 360. I've been thinking about Ninja Gaiden 2, but I recently picked up God of War 2 for $10 new, so we'll probably play through that first.

The analysts have a point, to an extent: beyond its core competencies the Xbox 360 doesn't have a great library. If you take sports, shooters and hardcore racers out (lots of people don't like those three genres) then there isn't much great exclusive gaming to have on that platform.

Aren't those the exact same games wii is struggling with? And it seems to be doing fine. You don't have to cover all bases to be a success...

To an extent, but I think the Wii's games have a wider appeal. The Wii has genres not available anywhere else (Wii Fit, Brain Age).  DDR is not like Wii Fit. 

The Wii does have most genres covered well, though -- Metroid Prime 3 is one of the best console shooters I've played, for example.