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Forums - Sony Discussion - The whining about installations is unnecessary....

When you talk about space on your HDD. Why? Because you can delete the installation data of the game from out of your "Game Data" map, when you're not intending to play the game for a while. Since Game Data only saves the installation of your game and not your saving progress. You can play the game further, after of course the necessary installations... if.... you 'DON'T' remove your save data from out of the Saved Data Utility! Since save data only take about a few MB, there's nothing to worry about lost space, now is it?

I've tested it myself with several games, and it works fine. Maybe everyone is already familiar with this option, though I've noticed many people are not.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

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I think everybody knows this. It's just a hassle to install and delete and install and delete game files all the time. It's an annoying PC feature that has carried over to the PS3, which should be unnecessary on a console.

You are right my princess, but somehow I lost one of my savefiles though (Oblivion) and I don't know if it is the because I deleted the game of something else..Can't really tell =/.

People see consoles as a "pop the disc in and go" thing, which, for many games, the PS3 is not.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

If a game is going to take more than 5 minutes to install, it should be:

a: optional.
b: make the game perform and stream data very well. (where there's virtually no ingame loading.)

If installations don't fall into one of those categories, then complaints are perfectly valid. I mean look at Haze and the Bourne Conspiracy, both games require lengthy installs but still has horrid texture pop or long load times.

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I like to keep my lengthy install sizes to my PC where I have craptons of HD space not on my console where I am much more limited. I don't like it on my consoles where I expect to be able to put in a game and just start playing. This is one of the historic benefits of playing on a console. If I feel like going back and playing an older console game, I don't want to have to reinstall it. On my PC I can just leave these game installed even if I'm not playing them. I know I can buy a larger hard drive for the PS3, but that is sinking more money into the console to overcome this nuisance that I don't think should be there in the first place.

I give this thread a 9.1.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I've installed games on my PC's since I was nine years old, can't say it has botched the gaming experience for me in the slightest.
Perhaps people feel it is a PC thing that ruins a console, but the way I see; getting better performance to improve a game on a games machine is not redundant, and at this point with games taking 15-20GB's and upward, it'd be folly not to consider streaming some data from a harddrive as opposed to all of it from slow optics. The size and speed of harddrives have long since outrun optical media which still has pitiful -per second- load in's in comparison.

konnichiwaa said:
You are right my princess, but somehow I lost one of my savefiles though (Oblivion) and I don't know if it is the because I deleted the game of something else..Can't really tell =/.

Looks like you've removed it yourself my prince I've tested myself, today, with Oblivion and when I removed the game data, the saved data was still in the map where it should be.

Well since I hear a lot of whining from people that they had to buy bigger HDD to save up all their game data, I thought to put this thread here.

So basically its like people are too lazy to reinstall games, well Oblivion doesn't ask for an installation (5+GB!), R&C only takes about 2 minutes (4+GB!),... yeah Devil May Cry 4, agree, that's a pain with the waiting. But not every games take that long to install.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

This argument reminds me of the good ol' Wii storage problem.

Oh! You don't have room for that latest WiiWare game? But you can just delete VC games you won't be playing for a while, it's really not a big deal. olol


You can save up over 100 VC games on a SD card :_P

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo