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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tenchu 4 CONFIRMED exclusively on the Wii, screenshots inside!

Soriku said:
famousringo said:
Soriku said:
So WTF is Tenchu anyway? Is it a regular fighting game or is it some sort of adventure/fighting type thing like Ninja Gaiden or what?

Good to see more main series on the Wii anyway :)

It's a stealth-action title. Think Metal Gear Solid without any guns.

Great find, yushire. I hope this revitalizes the franchise.

So there is like adventuring right?

Might have to look into it.

I wouldn't exactly say adventuring, no. There's a lot of exploration as you seek out items to collect (useful items, like poisoned rice balls, not score items or "collect all 176 coins to get a special reward" items) and enemies to dispatch while finding the best way to complete your mission. The levels are closed, though.

It's possible that they'll add more adventure to this release, I suppose. I haven't played much Tenchu since 2.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Looking forward to this, I got to play the origianl Tenchu briefly. If it's anything like that, this can be a pretty good "hardcore" title for the Wii.

bardicverse said:
Looking forward to this, I got to play the origianl Tenchu briefly. If it's anything like that, this can be a pretty good "hardcore" title for the Wii.

the original tenchu was great,but theyve went downhill from there,i hope this will be as good as the original

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
bardicverse said:
Looking forward to this, I got to play the origianl Tenchu briefly. If it's anything like that, this can be a pretty good "hardcore" title for the Wii.


the original tenchu was great,but theyve went downhill from there,i hope this will be as good as the original

The 2nd was good too, although it lacked the great music of the first.

I have to say I loved the first one but after that one it interested me not so much anymore....The stealth game who did it better was for me MGS...But not saying this can't be good..

I keep an eye open for this game but don't expect much.

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konnichiwa said:
I have to say I loved the first one but after that one it interested me not so much anymore....The stealth game who did it better was for me MGS...But not saying this can't be good..

I keep an eye open for this game but don't expect much.

 I already miss you mate;......

More scans.


Edit:Wrong thread.

sc94597 said:
Wow some nice grapics. This I know is because nintendo probably taught them the best way to use the wii's hardware with fatal frame IV> They should do that with other developers.

Erm...what does Fatal Frame have to do with anything?


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Game looks pretty good. I hope it's an introductory game for people that have never played any of the other ones. Maybe it'll get an early '09 release.

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