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@Bodhesatva: Wrong thread?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
@Bodhesatva: Wrong thread?

How can a "Hey, what's going on in here?" post ever be in the wrong thread?

Both NG2 and FFIV are made by Tecmo, though. I have NG2, it's quite good so far.">">

BengaBenga said:
lol, I'm glad my struggle is now shared with you guys!

To help myself out I will include your logic:

I'm a big Final Fantasy fan, so that's 30 pts for PS3 (20 main series, 10 spin-off)
I'm a big RPG fan, so that's 50 points for 360, 20 for PS3 (10 pts per RPG*)
Looking forward to LBP: 5 pts for PS3
MGS4 will get 10 pts for the story and -20 for every cutscene over half an hour = -50
Changes KOTOR will come to 360: +25
Mass Effect 360: +5
Bioshock (old) 360: +5
Bioshock (new) PS3: +20
Halo 3 360: +0
Resistance PS3: Originality: 0, Unnecessary hype: -10
Gears of War 360: +5
Fable 2 360 +5
Ninja gaiden 2 360: +5
Red Ring of Death 360: -70
Uncharted PS3: +5
Ratchet & Clank: Rocketpig thinks it sucks: -20
I hate generic shooters, so that's -30 for 360

360: 0, PS3: 0

Thanks for your help guys!

*360: Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssee, Blue Dragon, IU and Eternal Sonata
PS3: WKS, Valkyrie (We've already counted FF)

Sacred 2-Fallen Angel-TBA 2008
Developer: Ascaron Entertainment
Publisher: CDV

Infinite Undiscovery-September 2nd 2008
Developer: tri-Ace
Publisher: Square-Enix
360 Exclusive

These two? Both RPG and one is made by Sqaure Enix.

Also bolded RROD, if you get the Jasper Chipset you're good and you're likely to get it cheaper as well.

So I think the Xbox360 wins. ^^ You can always get a PS3 a year later when the price drops.


Infinite Undiscovery is counted in the 50 points for 360 RPGs (IU).
RRoD is honestly my main complaint about the 360. I'm a sucker for quality. All my old Nintendo systems still work (!) (And I have all Nintendo consoles).
When do these Jasper chipsets become available? And are they completely RRoD free?

Sure 360 is cheaper, but PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and free online. Not that I really want BR, but free online is something I enjoy greatly on Wii.

So also my more serious conclusion is that I find it very hard to choose. I don't really see the value of buying both. 80% of the games are multiplat and the systemseller for me is RE5 (and Beyond Good & Evil), the exclusives are a nice bonus.

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BengaBenga said:
Infinite Undiscovery is counted in the 50 points for 360 RPGs (IU).
RRoD is honestly my main complaint about the 360. I'm a sucker for quality. All my old Nintendo systems still work (!) (And I have all Nintendo consoles).
When do these Jasper chipsets become available? And are they completely RRoD free?

Sure 360 is cheaper, but PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and free online. Not that I really want BR, but free online is something I enjoy greatly on Wii.

So also my more serious conclusion is that I find it very hard to choose. I don't really see the value of buying both. 80% of the games are multiplat and the systemseller for me is RE5 (and Beyond Good & Evil), the exclusives are a nice bonus.

Which controller feels best in your hands? Thats a big deal for me because I find the Xbox360 controller more comfortable to use.

As for RROD. They have had

1. New heatsink on the GPU

2. New motherboard design and smaller CPU - Falcon

Jasper is a smaller GPU and a shrink for all the chips on the motherboard+a new motherboard design. Plus the DVD will be more reliable because there isn't the heat under the drive like on previous versions. (The GPU sits pretty close to the DVD rom)

For the current Falcons I would say they are 5% or less failure rate - Probably about the same as a midlife fat PS2 and the Jasper refresh should be about as reliable as the PS2 slims. Remember they have a 3 year warranty on general electrical failures - excludes DVD drive and hard disk drive, so they have an incentive to make the electrical components extremely reliable.


BengaBenga said:
Infinite Undiscovery is counted in the 50 points for 360 RPGs (IU).
RRoD is honestly my main complaint about the 360. I'm a sucker for quality. All my old Nintendo systems still work (!) (And I have all Nintendo consoles).
When do these Jasper chipsets become available? And are they completely RRoD free?

Sure 360 is cheaper, but PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and free online. Not that I really want BR, but free online is something I enjoy greatly on Wii.

So also my more serious conclusion is that I find it very hard to choose. I don't really see the value of buying both. 80% of the games are multiplat and the systemseller for me is RE5 (and Beyond Good & Evil), the exclusives are a nice bonus.

Here, let me help you with your decision.

Get a 360.

With a PS3 your buying that console on what you hope the future holds. If you're buying a 360, you are buying that console on a whole lot of awesome games you can buy right now.

The only exceptions are for people who own a great PC, if so, stick with the PS3.

JRPG fans like yourself will be happier in the short run with the 360.


I can't stress enough how much better I feel since I got a 360, and how crappy I felt when I was a PS3 only owner.



If you're like me, you:


1. Hate God of War(God of Puzzle for you zenfoldor fans)

2. Love JRPG's


You have a choice to make. Is your love of Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid gonna make you buy a console with fewer good games? If so, you should get a PS3.

Now, PS3 and 360 fanboys will give you a lot of talking points about how huge and awesome their libraries are.

However, if you play every above average game that appeals to you, you're still only gonna come up with about 11-15 games on the 360, and 8-12 on the PS3.


That's why the Wii's library is under-rated. It only has about 10 games worth a purchase, but those 10 games appeal to most people who own that console. MLB08: The Show and Madden make nice gamerankings padding, but honestly, we(who post on this forum) like to think those games are new and exciting, but in they are running jokes(if you're like me). Padding.


So, you have to look at it. You need to buy all of those games pretty soon for a HD system to be worth the price. Would you rather have 8 games to buy, or 11?


For me, the consumate Wii fanboy:

A. Who cares about Blu-ray. I just bought a 800 dollar 32" samsung, and I could give a crap. I buy systems to play games on.

B. More games the better. Screw potential, cause games can flop, even Final Fantasy.

C. Neither the 360 nor the PS3's libraries are nearly as good as advertised. However they are good, about Wii level.

D. The systems are pretty evenly matched in the end, all of them, even the PS3.

E. However, the PS3 earns my ire for not having any JRPG's on the system.

F. I only go online to download crap like DLC, unless you wanna actually play online, your 360 will be free too.



So, in the end, the PS3 isn't the obvious winner, and in fact, the 360 is slightly better atm.


So, imo, the Wii still is the best system of this generation. It has almost as many great games as the 360, and they are pretty much all exclusive.


However, on average, I play my 360 about 100 times as much as I play my PS3.


That's why I suggest to friends that the 360 is a better purchase all around, atm.


...but I can see if you weren't a jaded JRPG fanboy spoiled on the PS2, how you could like the PS3 a little better, considering it has MGS4, FF13, Blu-Ray, and a lot more functionality(even though the 360 jump drive MP3 player in game just blows me away everytime I realize that it exists).


If the 360 didn't have RRoD, I'd probably wish I had never bought a PS3. That is the ultimate screw up, and it's the reason the 360 doesn't have the bright future from a sales standpoint, that the PS3 and Wii have.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
BengaBenga said:
Infinite Undiscovery is counted in the 50 points for 360 RPGs (IU).
RRoD is honestly my main complaint about the 360. I'm a sucker for quality. All my old Nintendo systems still work (!) (And I have all Nintendo consoles).
When do these Jasper chipsets become available? And are they completely RRoD free?

Sure 360 is cheaper, but PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and free online. Not that I really want BR, but free online is something I enjoy greatly on Wii.

So also my more serious conclusion is that I find it very hard to choose. I don't really see the value of buying both. 80% of the games are multiplat and the systemseller for me is RE5 (and Beyond Good & Evil), the exclusives are a nice bonus.

Here, let me help you with your decision.

Get a 360.

With a PS3 your buying that console on what you hope the future holds. If you're buying a 360, you are buying that console on a whole lot of awesome games you can buy right now.

The only exceptions are for people who own a great PC, if so, stick with the PS3.

JRPG fans like yourself will be happier in the short run with the 360.


I can't stress enough how much better I feel since I got a 360, and how crappy I felt when I was a PS3 only owner.



If you're like me, you:


1. Hate God of War(God of Puzzle for you zenfoldor fans)

2. Love JRPG's


You have a choice to make. Is your love of Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid gonna make you buy a console with fewer good games? If so, you should get a PS3.

Now, PS3 and 360 fanboys will give you a lot of talking points about how huge and awesome their libraries are.

However, if you play every above average game that appeals to you, you're still only gonna come up with about 11-15 games on the 360, and 8-12 on the PS3.


That's why the Wii's library is under-rated. It only has about 10 games worth a purchase, but those 10 games appeal to most people who own that console. MLB08: The Show and Madden make nice gamerankings padding, but honestly, we(who post on this forum) like to think those games are new and exciting, but in they are running jokes(if you're like me). Padding.


So, you have to look at it. You need to buy all of those games pretty soon for a HD system to be worth the price. Would you rather have 8 games to buy, or 11?


For me, the consumate Wii fanboy:

A. Who cares about Blu-ray. I just bought a 800 dollar 32" samsung, and I could give a crap. I buy systems to play games on.

B. More games the better. Screw potential, cause games can flop, even Final Fantasy.

C. Neither the 360 nor the PS3's libraries are nearly as good as advertised. However they are good, about Wii level.

D. The systems are pretty evenly matched in the end, all of them, even the PS3.

E. However, the PS3 earns my ire for not having any JRPG's on the system.

F. I only go online to download crap like DLC, unless you wanna actually play online, your 360 will be free too.



So, in the end, the PS3 isn't the obvious winner, and in fact, the 360 is slightly better atm.


So, imo, the Wii still is the best system of this generation. It has almost as many great games as the 360, and they are pretty much all exclusive.


However, on average, I play my 360 about 100 times as much as I play my PS3.


That's why I suggest to friends that the 360 is a better purchase all around, atm.


...but I can see if you weren't a jaded JRPG fanboy spoiled on the PS2, how you could like the PS3 a little better, considering it has MGS4, FF13, Blu-Ray, and a lot more functionality(even though the 360 jump drive MP3 player in game just blows me away everytime I realize that it exists).


If the 360 didn't have RRoD, I'd probably wish I had never bought a PS3. That is the ultimate screw up, and it's the reason the 360 doesn't have the bright future from a sales standpoint, that the PS3 and Wii have.

Zen: Thanks a lot! That's seriously a good help. Especially from someone that owns all 3 consoles.

I am extremely happy with Wii. Fire Emblem, Galaxy, Zelda, Kart, RE4Wii, Z&W...I have enjoyed those games enormously. And some of the stuff that's coming should be great. Fatal Frame IV, Symphonia 2, King's Story, Oboro Moramasa, Fragile etc. Especially in the Japanese department Wii has great stuff coming, and I am very much in the Japanese department...

My main reason to buy a HD console is RE5, I'm a big fan of the series and MUST play it. Therefore I don't understand the complaints it's not coming to Wii, if you're a fan, you buy that console. Besides, the trailer looked awesome. I do hope for another RE4Wii controlled RE game though, preferably a Remake of 2+3.

I'll probably won't buy MGS4, MGS1 is one of my favorite games, but I stopped during MGS2. I couldn't handle it anymore. Too much cutscenes. Before MGS4 I should play through half of MGS2 and full MGS3. That's probably not going to happen.
So indeed FF13 would be the main reason to go PS3. We've seen so little that I don't have a clue whether Lost Odysse or Tales of Vesperia can compete. Vesperia is a major decision maker as well, since Symphonia was amazing. Namco's strategy seems to be to only release their 360 RPGs on PS3 in Japan.

So what it comes down to is actually kind of stupid:

FF13, FFvs13, WKC and Valkyrie versus a whole shitload of 360 RPGs including a Tales game.

Maybe 360 is indeed the right way. But certainly not before the RRoD issue has been resolved. 

"This is the biggest bullshit I've heard from reviewers about this game. Like GTA4 is the exact same game to me asGFTA3, with same driving missions, same framerate and control problems and same ultimate sandbox gameplay and it gets a 10 from everyone."

omg i love u !

BengaBenga said:

Zen: Thanks a lot! That's seriously a good help. Especially from someone that owns all 3 consoles.

I am extremely happy with Wii. Fire Emblem, Galaxy, Zelda, Kart, RE4Wii, Z&W...I have enjoyed those games enormously. And some of the stuff that's coming should be great. Fatal Frame IV, Symphonia 2, King's Story, Oboro Moramasa, Fragile etc. Especially in the Japanese department Wii has great stuff coming, and I am very much in the Japanese department...

My main reason to buy a HD console is RE5, I'm a big fan of the series and MUST play it. Therefore I don't understand the complaints it's not coming to Wii, if you're a fan, you buy that console. Besides, the trailer looked awesome. I do hope for another RE4Wii controlled RE game though, preferably a Remake of 2+3.

I'll probably won't buy MGS4, MGS1 is one of my favorite games, but I stopped during MGS2. I couldn't handle it anymore. Too much cutscenes. Before MGS4 I should play through half of MGS2 and full MGS3. That's probably not going to happen.
So indeed FF13 would be the main reason to go PS3. We've seen so little that I don't have a clue whether Lost Odysse or Tales of Vesperia can compete. Vesperia is a major decision maker as well, since Symphonia was amazing. Namco's strategy seems to be to only release their 360 RPGs on PS3 in Japan.

So what it comes down to is actually kind of stupid:

FF13, FFvs13, WKC and Valkyrie versus a whole shitload of 360 RPGs including a Tales game.

Maybe 360 is indeed the right way. But certainly not before the RRoD issue has been resolved.

The main reason the PS3's so great is FFXIII. Lets not kid ourselves, it will be amazing. I've loved every Final Fantasy I've ever played from VI and up. XI wasn't the best game of its genre, but it didn't suck.


Now, you have to look at a few things though. The 360 has more great exclusives, from my point of view. Do they, combined, equal up to MGS4, Verses, and FFXIII? That's for each individual to decide.


We've already estabilished that the 360 has a better and more Japanese-centric back-catelog. Now we have to look at what the future holds with real, substnative games.

Let's leave out the lesser non-FFXIII JRPG's and just say that the 360 certainly has an advantage there considering Eternal Sonata's Japanese only announcment.


For 360 you have:


Ninja Gaiden 2 - It's freakin' Ninja Gaiden 2. I've seen the gameplay video. This is a game worth owning a system for, I don't care if it just looks cool to people who you show it off to. This is an impressive game and deserves condiseration. Sure, it's got an 8.2 gamerankings average. Radiant Dawn's average is in the 7's for the same reason. Didn't evolve enough, meaningless flaws, ect.

Too Human - Yeah, I'm not so hip on this game, but the developers are pretty great. So I'm not gonna LBP it just yet. It has potential

Fable 2 - Yeah, so I liked Fable. It wasn't as bad as hate filled fanboys make it out to be. It's actually a really accessable WRPG, and that says a lot.

Alan Wake - This game is the game that I want more than these other 360 games combined.


All of these games are pretty huge. We can skip Gears of War 2, because imo Gears of War 1 sucked. That's just the harsh reality of my opinion. I literally was sickened while playing that game, by how bad it was. The shooting was worse than GTAIV, frankly, and the game centered around said shooting. I came to the realization that this game is "good" because of graphics and hype, about halfway through. It's all about being cool, and not about being good. The VA sucks, BAD. The main character is the bad guy from Darkwing Duck. Literally. The story is non-existant, and the game is just a piss-poor copy of RE4 with multiplayer. It's one of the worst "next gen" games I've played so far, and I've played plenty. So screw the sequel.

Halo Wars, crap, Halo Chronicles, crap.


For PS3 we have:


MGS4 - MGS2 sucked, bad. MGS4 however, looks to be based off MGS3 which was amazingly badass. Good stuff.

Final Fantasy XIII - It's the next single player final fantasy game. It is simply a must own.

Final Fantasy Verses XIII - See below


Now, I'm leaving off 3 games that will probably be above average, but if you didn't own a PS3 you probably wouldn't give one crap about ever playing them. Little Big Planet. I just love the idea of playing a game engine with user-generated DLC as my campaign mode. NOT. Resistance 2 which is a sequel to an alright game, so who really cares. It's not exactly reinventing the wheel... and Killzone 2, which is a sequel to a terrible game that should have never been made, and can kiss my ass. GT5, until it gets damage modeling, is dead to me.

For those who don't know, VS 13 is an alternate version of FFXIII made by the Kingdom Hearts creator. Apparently two developers withing Squeenix wanted the project, so they split into two teams and are each making their FFXIII the way they have it envisioned. Awesome.



Certainy the PS3 has some great titles lined up. There is no doubt that the 3 I mentioned are better than the 4 360 titles.


HOWEVER, the 360 isn't lacking titles. I would say that due to Alan Wake's potential badassness, it is right up there with the PS3's lineup, which includes 2, count em 2 new Final Fantasy numbered titles and MGS4. Alan Wake IS that badass. Just watch the trailer and know that Max Payne 1 and 2 are still my two favorite PC games.


So that's my wrapup on announced games, from my perspective.



What gamers are the exact opposite of myself? Well if your most anticipated games include Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, or Killzone 2, then you might be in said category. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.