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BengaBenga said:
Infinite Undiscovery is counted in the 50 points for 360 RPGs (IU).
RRoD is honestly my main complaint about the 360. I'm a sucker for quality. All my old Nintendo systems still work (!) (And I have all Nintendo consoles).
When do these Jasper chipsets become available? And are they completely RRoD free?

Sure 360 is cheaper, but PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and free online. Not that I really want BR, but free online is something I enjoy greatly on Wii.

So also my more serious conclusion is that I find it very hard to choose. I don't really see the value of buying both. 80% of the games are multiplat and the systemseller for me is RE5 (and Beyond Good & Evil), the exclusives are a nice bonus.

Which controller feels best in your hands? Thats a big deal for me because I find the Xbox360 controller more comfortable to use.

As for RROD. They have had

1. New heatsink on the GPU

2. New motherboard design and smaller CPU - Falcon

Jasper is a smaller GPU and a shrink for all the chips on the motherboard+a new motherboard design. Plus the DVD will be more reliable because there isn't the heat under the drive like on previous versions. (The GPU sits pretty close to the DVD rom)

For the current Falcons I would say they are 5% or less failure rate - Probably about the same as a midlife fat PS2 and the Jasper refresh should be about as reliable as the PS2 slims. Remember they have a 3 year warranty on general electrical failures - excludes DVD drive and hard disk drive, so they have an incentive to make the electrical components extremely reliable.
