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SSX Blur on the Wii is actually a pretty good game, made better because of motion controls, and hopefully the next one will incorporate the balance board as well

But it was a near launch game, so who still plays it?, and who here has stuck with it to really master the controls to get the most out of the game?

Just wondering what people still think about it


Both GT and IGN Review gave it a 8.4 (Impressive)


"SSX isn’t an everybody game. It isn’t Wii Sports Snowboarding, and it won’t be a no-brainer for just anyone. The game demands coordination, but is also one of the more rewarding games on Wii. Not everyone will take this new control form in stride, but for those that put in the time and really explore the depth of the game’s design, SSX Blur is one of the top titles on Wii, and a must-have for the hardcore"

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I will say that, up until Blur, I had little more than a passing interest in the series. However, post-Blur, I have a much higher opinion of it thanks to how it was implemented on Wii as, due to it, I finally started to really, really enjoy a SSX title for the first time.

That said, 1080 Avalanche is still my all-time favorite snowboarding game, and here's hoping sequels to both make ample use of the balance board next go 'round.

EA said the next one is going to be on "next-gen" consoles only. Not sure if Wii is counted in that.

I loved SSX Blur when it first came out and I still love it. I loved the controls. I haven't played it in a while but I still really like it.

i hope they make 1 that uses that balance board

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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Aj_habfan said:
EA said the next one is going to be on "next-gen" consoles only. Not sure if Wii is counted in that.

 Yeah, because the wii is only part of the 6.5 gen.

Aj_habfan said:
EA said the next one is going to be on "next-gen" consoles only. Not sure if Wii is counted in that.
Bet that was before the current balance board hype - they've announced 2 balance board games already, skate it looking to be decent budget by the teaser trailer, they've got the code used in SSX Blur lying around and now Ubisoft are looking to get a franchise up and running on Wii balance board supported snowboarding games. I expect E3 at the very latest they'll announce a SSX Blur 2 - maybe even sooner now.



imagine that on E3 EA is showing SSX Blur 2 whith enchanced Blur 1 graphics and balance board support and after that ubi is showing their snowboarding-shit game with N64 graphics. man that would make my day.

on topic - I love SSX Blur, played it to death and got stuck on one of the later levels where it was a 2 person race down a 20 - 30 minute slope and couldn't get past it so I traded it in.

Been missing it recently and thinking about repurchasing it on the cheap if I see a pre-owned copy. It's times like this you need a classic premium range where you could get it for £19.99.


waron said:
SSX Blur 2 whith enchanced Blur 1 graphics

I don't know about you, but I'd like my games less blur.