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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think of the US?

I think we're great

edit: New York FTW!!!!! 

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I love to hear about those extreme cases in the US.

It's a great country, with a lot of culture. You have everything there!

MK7!! 3DS friend code: 0688 - 5579 - 0994

Also playing DotA2 beta!

My opinion of the US is at an all time low. I'd probably be banned if I honestly said what I thought of it.


There is no way the US is the greatest country in the world. No way.


Luckely I have travelled extensivly in my life thanks to my dads work (Europe, Middle East, Asia, South America, etc), and of all the countries 2 stand out a lot

USA and Italy :)

I live in here in the USA, grew up here... I absolutly love it in the USA, Luckely I'm not into politics so I don't constantly thinkg of the goverment and how their screwing me... My life is great, good job... awesome friends... plenty of things to do... and I live in a nice area, woudln't trade this life in for anything

but boy would living in Italy come close :) or France :)

I like the American people as a whole, but the Government itself and what America really is and what they do, I don't like.

Around the Network

The US is generally despised in europe, not because of the people but because of your government

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

Too much to list.

Greatest nation in the world, no contest.

 And I bet the provinces hated Rome too.

If you hadnt gone to war with iraq (again) everybody would love the US....there is no reason not to.

Team America hit it pretty much on the head

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Rock_on_2008 said:
Valdens said:
Clinton was a great leader actually, Rock. Shame our society is far to up it's own ass to overlook the one mistake he made.

As a political leader, you do a thousand good deeds. One huge mistake. People will remember you for that huge mistake you made. Clinton lied to the American people. What an idiot. He should of came out clean and said I scored.

People so concerned with their own privacy should understand their leader need for privacy on things that have nothing to do with his functions. Yes, he lied, but lies aren't all equal, context and matter count. 

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Good country, decent democratic process, very solid economy backbone, very competitive market place. fast pace work environment.

kinda low in education standard, people aren't as friendly, but heck, nobody is perfect.

I'd give it 8.5/10

Yes, I'm from Canada.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

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