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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am truly annoyed at the wii

FinalEvangelion - I had this wonderful fast paced witty bashing line all ready for you, now it's 3am... I can't fall asleep for some reason but I'm dead tired and I can't think strait... so I'll say the most logical thing I can come up with to argue that point if I can find the point is that the PS360 is amazing and has the best of everything and HD 4eva because I love playing unreal graphics engine err I mean Unreal Torny 3 err I mean Turok err I mean Haze err I mean Black Site err I mean... lol bald space marines XD, your right it's unfair to just say bald space marines, their are also half naked men with chains and swords and women with breasts the size of watermelons that are seasoned fighters. (Heavenly Sword)

Ignore all of that as it was just me joking around XD, I really am sleepy though: This has everything to do with Wii hardware at the moment and I don't understand where you get off coming on and saying like the viral marketeer you love to potray.

"Well I bought my wii and I loved it buuut [insert dilema here] now it's collecting dust while I play my xbox 360."

I'm sorry replace 360 with Ps3 that's just the default template I got off malstroms website, oh by the way: BINGO!!!! I got it across.


Were talking about consoles though, but you are correct, we are just talking about consoles.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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Ssyn said:
BengaBenga said:
Ssyn said:

Combine the PS3 and 360 numbers and the hardcore base is still bigger than the Wii base. Now there are many ways we might see them move into the next gen:

You sir are so much captured in your elitist thoughts that you don't even see that a huge part of the Wii audience is f*ing hardcore. So hardcore even that they played games like Chrono Trigger, Ghost & Goblins, Castlevania, Contra, Battletoads, Mega Man etc when you were in your diapers.

 Talk about hostility... I'll reiterate so not to make anyone else angry if my simple setence manages to provke that. The "People who like high graphics and traditnal games base" is still higher due to the PS3 and 360 numbers combined surpassing the Wii by a decent margin.

 When you make an angry rant and try to imply the person you're flaming is younger than you really doesn't work.

Sorry if I was a bit too harsh. I shouldn't have said that about the diapers.

But your (and with you lots of others) arrogant and ignorant attitude is quite annoying. Did you play Fire Emblem, Zack & Wiki, Twilight Princess? Core games to the bone. You don't have to like them, everyone has different tastes in movies, music and games. But that doesnt mean that game isn't a core game. Even your changed sentence implies that Wii games aren't for the traditional gamer. Well I'm a gamer for about 20 years, and Wii captures a lot of people that grew up on the NES and SNES (which games were imho far more hardcore than any current gen game). There are lots of core gamers on the Wii, just accept that.

I'm not asking you to buy a Wii, or like Nintendo, or like Wii games. I only ask that you accept that core games and gamers are very well present on the Wii.

dib8rman said:
FinalEvangelion - I had this wonderful fast paced witty bashing line all ready for you, now it's 3am... I can't fall asleep for some reason but I'm dead tired and I can't think strait... so I'll say the most logical thing I can come up with to argue that point if I can find the point is that the PS360 is amazing and has the best of everything and HD 4eva because I love playing unreal graphics engine err I mean Unreal Torny 3 err I mean Turok err I mean Haze err I mean Black Site err I mean... lol bald space marines XD, your right it's unfair to just say bald space marines, their are also half naked men with chains and swords and women with breasts the size of watermelons that are seasoned fighters. (Heavenly Sword)

Ignore all of that as it was just me joking around XD, I really am sleepy though: This has everything to do with Wii hardware at the moment and I don't understand where you get off coming on and saying like the viral marketeer you love to potray.

"Well I bought my wii and I loved it buuut [insert dilema here] now it's collecting dust while I play my xbox 360."

I'm sorry replace 360 with Ps3 that's just the default template I got off malstroms website, oh by the way: BINGO!!!! I got it across.


Were talking about consoles though, but you are correct, we are just talking about consoles.

 Bald Space Marines (Halo, Haze), Big breasted women (Heavenly Sword), cartoony platformers (Ratchet & Clank), jRPGs (cell shaded like Eternal Sonata / ToV / Valkyria Chronicles or non-cel shaded like Lost Odyssey - that I've been playing the last several hours), or paper sacks like LBP.  HD covers a wide range, and sorry I don't care for Nintendogs, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and feel that the games I do care about like Brawl and Mario Kart are just too similar to the Gamecube versions.  Mario Kart actually took alot of the features I liked on the Wii version.


Umm, Viral marketing?  Supporting Sony and MS at the same time like I was.  That would be interesting.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


FinalEvangelion said:
dib8rman said:
FinalEvangelion - I had this wonderful fast paced witty bashing line all ready for you, now it's 3am... I can't fall asleep for some reason but I'm dead tired and I can't think strait... so I'll say the most logical thing I can come up with to argue that point if I can find the point is that the PS360 is amazing and has the best of everything and HD 4eva because I love playing unreal graphics engine err I mean Unreal Torny 3 err I mean Turok err I mean Haze err I mean Black Site err I mean... lol bald space marines XD, your right it's unfair to just say bald space marines, their are also half naked men with chains and swords and women with breasts the size of watermelons that are seasoned fighters. (Heavenly Sword)

Ignore all of that as it was just me joking around XD, I really am sleepy though: This has everything to do with Wii hardware at the moment and I don't understand where you get off coming on and saying like the viral marketeer you love to potray.

"Well I bought my wii and I loved it buuut [insert dilema here] now it's collecting dust while I play my xbox 360."

I'm sorry replace 360 with Ps3 that's just the default template I got off malstroms website, oh by the way: BINGO!!!! I got it across.


Were talking about consoles though, but you are correct, we are just talking about consoles.

Bald Space Marines (Halo, Haze), Big breasted women (Heavenly Sword), cartoony platformers (Ratchet & Clank), jRPGs (cell shaded like Eternal Sonata / ToV / Valkyria Chronicles or non-cel shaded like Lost Odyssey - that I've been playing the last several hours), or paper sacks like LBP. HD covers a wide range, and sorry I don't care for Nintendogs, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and feel that the games I do care about like Brawl and Mario Kart are just too similar to the Gamecube versions. Mario Kart actually took alot of the features I liked on the Wii version.


Umm, Viral marketing? Supporting Sony and MS at the same time like I was. That would be interesting.

Yes but the point is that saying that's all there is on the Wii (especially when one of the games you mention isn't even a Wii game) is completely off base. The great games on the Wii offer a wide range of game styles that include a ton of core games.

You prefer Twilight Princess on the Gamecube? Okay. I may disagree ith you but fair enough. Play Metroid Prime 3, a game that controls infinitely better than the earlier versions on the Gamecube (but then I don't love dual analog controls for shooters). Play Super Mario Galaxy, worlds better than Sunshine (and I don't know what to say if you don't have interest in Galaxy but do for Rachet and Clank. I love R&C, but Galaxy is the superior platformer, and just a superb game). Play No More Heroes. Play Zack and Wiki. Boom Blox. Fire Emblem. In a couple of months, Fatal Frame. The idea that you can't satisfy your itch for quality core games on the Wii is absurd.

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.

I currently have the broadest range of titles on the PS3 compared to the 360 and the Wii. Sandbox, PC RPG, JRPG, action, 3rd person shooters, light gun shooter, sports, driving games, some very quirky and original camera based games, musical rhythm games, and of course the obligatory FPS titles.

Generalizations about what's available on a given platform is based on individual perception in the end. We tend to see what we want to see and conveniently ignore the rest. Claims about HD system games are no more accurate than the claims that there are only casual or children's games on the Wii.

I will say that the three of the most innovative games on the Wii that I have are also three of the simplest in terms of content, but they make the most of the Wii motion controls. Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Boom Blox.

These are the types of titles that deliver a gaming experience that simply cannot be replicated on any other format (I'll hold any opinions about the 360 motion controller until I see some games), and it's for these experiences that I feel the console has it strongest merits.

And I realize, fans of the Wii will be quick to point out all the other Nintendo franchises, but the only ones that have maintained my interest over the past five Nintendo consoles are Zelda and Metroid. The current Wii versions were top quality, but did the Wii make them possible? Both could have been done for the GC (as Twilight Princess was) with very little lost.

I simply don't care for Smash Bros., Mario Kart and Mario platformers (the last I bought was Mario Bros. 3 for the NES). I didn't buy a Wii to play the next iteration of any of these franchises; it's not a big deal.

I loved NMH for its quirkiness and style and have logged more hours playing it than most of my HD games, but there just aren't enough titles like that for the Wii. When taking an objective look at NMH, it's essentially a scaled down sandbox game with extremely old school AI that is defined by its style. M rating or no, ironically it feels as though targeted at a male 13-17 audience. But I still had genuine FUN playing it which is the most I can ask for out of any game.

So my 360 library is the standard fare. Mass Effect, GoW, Halo, Bioshock, Orange Box, etc. But those games alone make it worth having a 360 unless your interests are better matched by the standard Nintendo franchises that have been around for several generations of consoles.

Or you have a decent gaming PC, which just about makes having a 360 redundant.

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xenophon13 said:

So i have been hearing about how the wii is revolutionizing game play and that all things will go the way of the wii.

This makes me sad. I personally don't like miis (they are creepy), i am sick of mario and I dont need to work out in front of the frickin tv (since I spend to much time in front of it anyway).

dont get me wrong, If you love nintendo, then yay! you have the most popular system...hurrah hurrah!

But don't make the MGS and the GTA and the Gears of War and the Oblivion and all the great games go away. What if everyone jumps on the idea of copying the wii and all these games are gone because they are too expensive to produce and you can produce carnival games for a lot less and sell 10 million copies?!? Is anyone else afraid of this? Am I the only one? I could care less if sony or MS or wii actually 'wins' the console war. I do care about having the games i love to play available...and they certainly aren't wii striper pole dance or wii cheerleading or mario dating or carnival games.

Anyone else worried? I guess there is always pc gaming if only nintendo and nintendo sycophants remain...

 You are a tool.


There is no way you are going to get PC gamers on your side, the mock you and your dual analogue sticks


Come to think of it, so do I.


Fact it, the Wii has many fairly conventional games.


Take RE4 for example, it replaces analogue stick aiming with Light Gun aiming (I assume even you'll admit that's superior)


Look, you clearly don't understand big words, or complicated ideas so I'll try to simplify this.


Before the Wii

40 million hardcore gamers 

100 million Casual gamers

After the Wii

50 million hardcore gamers

200 million casual gamers


So you can see that there will be more money to be made from hardcore games this gen, and alot more money to be made from casual


So everyone wins

scottie said:
xenophon13 said:

So i have been hearing about how the wii is revolutionizing game play and that all things will go the way of the wii.

This makes me sad. I personally don't like miis (they are creepy), i am sick of mario and I dont need to work out in front of the frickin tv (since I spend to much time in front of it anyway).

dont get me wrong, If you love nintendo, then yay! you have the most popular system...hurrah hurrah!

But don't make the MGS and the GTA and the Gears of War and the Oblivion and all the great games go away. What if everyone jumps on the idea of copying the wii and all these games are gone because they are too expensive to produce and you can produce carnival games for a lot less and sell 10 million copies?!? Is anyone else afraid of this? Am I the only one? I could care less if sony or MS or wii actually 'wins' the console war. I do care about having the games i love to play available...and they certainly aren't wii striper pole dance or wii cheerleading or mario dating or carnival games.

Anyone else worried? I guess there is always pc gaming if only nintendo and nintendo sycophants remain...

 You are a tool.


There is no way you are going to get PC gamers on your side, the mock you and your dual analogue sticks


Come to think of it, so do I.


Fact it, the Wii has many fairly conventional games.


Take RE4 for example, it replaces analogue stick aiming with Light Gun aiming (I assume even you'll admit that's superior)


Look, you clearly don't understand big words, or complicated ideas so I'll try to simplify this.


Before the Wii

40 million hardcore gamers 

100 million Casual gamers

After the Wii

50 million hardcore gamers

200 million casual gamers


So you can see that there will be more money to be made from hardcore games this gen, and alot more money to be made from casual


So everyone wins

Yawn+1. Your assertions fall flat. I perfer to not simplify but to categorize. It makes analysis to be much easier if you can understand what you're talking about.


These self proclaimed gamers do not have a bigger say on what's good than the casuals. You are free to be uninterested in Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. But what applies to you may not apply to everyone in the market.

Instead of basing your arguments on your own perspective, you should treat the reactions of the entire market as a whole. Otherwise it's a matter of undue weight of "my opinion > your opinion".

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Mario,Zelda ,Metroid or Brawl are great games.No one is doubting that.

The fact is that being great games they arent much superior to the Game Cube counterparts.

The Wii hasnt evolved an inch core gaming ,in fact I would say that with 20 months in the market the Game Cube had LOTS more core games.

The success of the Wii isnt in Mario ,Zelda or Metroid.Those games were already on the Cube and there wasnt said success.The success of the Wii ,like it or not ,is because great marketing and two useful tools for that marketing as Wii Sports and Wii Fit(maybe Wii academy too).And bringing all that "blue ocean" non-gamers to the industry can shift the focus to non-games as these.And core and hardcore gamers dont want this to happen ,even if they would still get the odd core game here and there along the way.

Of course the hardcore gaming market still offers potential to gain money.The danger here is that maybe ,just maybe ,developers will start to look at this from a rentability point of view.Yeah ,you can develop an expensive PS360 game and still have profits ....but what about if they developed a cheap game and had the same results?Slowly the amount of time and money spent on expensive games would decrease.

We have an example of this recently ,as it has been said there was a big discussion at the Square-Enix headquarters with the company president screaming to the developers that they were creating games only people like they (hardcore or core gamers) would be interested to buy.Message=develop games any kid or granny would be interested into buying.When you go after the minimal common denominator you are dumbing down the thing.At least for people that appreciate the activity or product in question as a work of talent and art.And thats how we should perceive videogames...

i don't see how this is a topic. yes there are lots of casual games on the wii (some of them great like wii sports, some not as good like mario party, some bad) but there are plenty of core games. i'm a core gamer and i love the wii. i have zelda tp, smg, mario kart, z&w, MoH2:H, geometry wars, mario strikers, re4, guitar hero, obviously wii sports, and links crossbow which my parents got for me cuz they like it. all of those games are good except for crossbow. and all of those that are good are core except wii sports and guitar hero. and there's a bunch more core games that i want: metroid, fire emblem, NMH, brawl, a couple others, and some wiiware games that should come out soon. the only casual game i can think of that i want is boom blox. anyway just that list right there should offer anybody at least several great core games that they will like.

there's no doubt that the wii needs more high budget 3rd party core games, but it already has plenty of good core games for their to be no reason to complain about it. yeah the wii needs more action games and more rpgs. but those are coming! there is no chance that core games will disappear because wii has plenty of great ones that sell well and there will be more and more as 3rd parties ramp up wii production.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy