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FinalEvangelion said:
dib8rman said:
FinalEvangelion - I had this wonderful fast paced witty bashing line all ready for you, now it's 3am... I can't fall asleep for some reason but I'm dead tired and I can't think strait... so I'll say the most logical thing I can come up with to argue that point if I can find the point is that the PS360 is amazing and has the best of everything and HD 4eva because I love playing unreal graphics engine err I mean Unreal Torny 3 err I mean Turok err I mean Haze err I mean Black Site err I mean... lol bald space marines XD, your right it's unfair to just say bald space marines, their are also half naked men with chains and swords and women with breasts the size of watermelons that are seasoned fighters. (Heavenly Sword)

Ignore all of that as it was just me joking around XD, I really am sleepy though: This has everything to do with Wii hardware at the moment and I don't understand where you get off coming on and saying like the viral marketeer you love to potray.

"Well I bought my wii and I loved it buuut [insert dilema here] now it's collecting dust while I play my xbox 360."

I'm sorry replace 360 with Ps3 that's just the default template I got off malstroms website, oh by the way: BINGO!!!! I got it across.


Were talking about consoles though, but you are correct, we are just talking about consoles.

Bald Space Marines (Halo, Haze), Big breasted women (Heavenly Sword), cartoony platformers (Ratchet & Clank), jRPGs (cell shaded like Eternal Sonata / ToV / Valkyria Chronicles or non-cel shaded like Lost Odyssey - that I've been playing the last several hours), or paper sacks like LBP. HD covers a wide range, and sorry I don't care for Nintendogs, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and feel that the games I do care about like Brawl and Mario Kart are just too similar to the Gamecube versions. Mario Kart actually took alot of the features I liked on the Wii version.


Umm, Viral marketing? Supporting Sony and MS at the same time like I was. That would be interesting.

Yes but the point is that saying that's all there is on the Wii (especially when one of the games you mention isn't even a Wii game) is completely off base. The great games on the Wii offer a wide range of game styles that include a ton of core games.

You prefer Twilight Princess on the Gamecube? Okay. I may disagree ith you but fair enough. Play Metroid Prime 3, a game that controls infinitely better than the earlier versions on the Gamecube (but then I don't love dual analog controls for shooters). Play Super Mario Galaxy, worlds better than Sunshine (and I don't know what to say if you don't have interest in Galaxy but do for Rachet and Clank. I love R&C, but Galaxy is the superior platformer, and just a superb game). Play No More Heroes. Play Zack and Wiki. Boom Blox. Fire Emblem. In a couple of months, Fatal Frame. The idea that you can't satisfy your itch for quality core games on the Wii is absurd.

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.