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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 will be in front of 360 by November 2008.

Yeah, and my mother's name is Kojima

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

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This week , PS3 sold nearly 30000  more than XBox 360. At this speed, it will close the gap of 6 millions in 200 Weeks, which is about 4 years. That makes 2012. At this time, if Microsoft is still interested in videogames, a new iteration of X-Box will probably been out for two years. Sony has lost this round, that's all.

phdesain said:
This week , PS3 sold nearly 30000  more than XBox 360. At this speed, it will close the gap of 6 millions in 200 Weeks, which is about 4 years. That makes 2012. At this time, if Microsoft is still interested in videogames, a new iteration of X-Box will probably been out for two years. Sony has lost this round, that's all.

You take for granted the rate wont change....

Well I got news for you. It has changed and will change again.

Ps3 has outsold 360 1.6 mil in 6 months not 53 weeks like your formula suggests.

Holiday + Games + price = rate changes.

1-1.5 years MAX till Ps3 catches up... and MS will def. still be interested.

Hell if rates never changed the 360 would be 12mil in front of Ps3 instead of 5.8

the ps3 is doing okay. Hopefully they will have better console sales every week during the fall of 2008 to next year.


Rock_on_2008 = crazzyman's joke account confirmed.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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We've had threads about when the ps3 will overtake the 360 before and most people put it at q3/q4 of 2009 which sounds more reasonable and likely.

Obviously i am a fan of the 360 so i would like to see it do well, but I won't be too bothered when the ps3 eventually catches up because even if the 360 finishes 3rd, it wont be in the manner of last gen where it was millions of units behind, and the 360 has already proven itself, it's not like the 360 isn't going to have any good games.

I know you start these threads for entertainment Rock On and i must admit, it is fun, but you know yourself that the 360 is a great gaming console and will always be hot on the heels of the ps3.

The PS3 currently trails the 360 worldwide by about 5,851,000 units.

There are 22 weeks between now and the end of the November.

Therefore, the PS3 would need to outsell the 360 by about 266,000 units per week to pass the 360 by the end of November.

Reality check: Worldwide, the PS3 sold about 155,00 units last week. Even if the 360 did not sell a SINGLE UNIT between now and the end of November, the PS3 would still need to double its weekly sales in order to pass the 360.

I'm not holding my breath.

If all goes well for Sony they can cut the MS lead to just under 3 Mil by years end. Two AAA games in a 5 month period will not spurr the kind of sales you are thinking. Sure maybe if Sony had a $100 price cut prior to MGS and like 3 more AAA games in this 5 month Period you might See them cut that lead to a Mil and a half at best, but your prediction just isn't realistic at all. No chance, No way, No how.

Rock_on_2008 said:
super_etecoon said:
I don't know if Sony will sell 5.8 million ps3s by that time.....

And you are suggestion that if that were to occur that the 360 would just stop selling completely?

At some point Rock-on needs to lose his membership to this site. He's giving all the credible "analysts" (like Leo-J) at this site a bad name.

PS3 will sell 9 million in 6 months compared to 360 selling 3 million in same time period. MGS 4 and LBP sales will be huge.

I don't think LBP will have any impact on PS3 sales at all and will be lucky to sell 1 million lifetime.

ToastyJaguar said:
We've had threads about when the ps3 will overtake the 360 before and most people put it at q3/q4 of 2009 which sounds more reasonable and likely.

Obviously i am a fan of the 360 so i would like to see it do well, but I won't be too bothered when the ps3 eventually catches up because even if the 360 finishes 3rd, it wont be in the manner of last gen where it was millions of units behind, and the 360 has already proven itself, it's not like the 360 isn't going to have any good games.

I know you start these threads for entertainment Rock On and i must admit, it is fun, but you know yourself that the 360 is a great gaming console and will always be hot on the heels of the ps3.
Actually the 360 will be millions of units behind ... just not nearly as many millions.  I think it may end up somewhat like SNES/Genesis (WW):  SNES ended up with a huge lead but most of that was late, when Genesis was old and dying; when both systems were in their prime the war was very hard fought; in the end the biggest difference was simply that one just plain outlasted the other. 

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