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phdesain said:
This week , PS3 sold nearly 30000  more than XBox 360. At this speed, it will close the gap of 6 millions in 200 Weeks, which is about 4 years. That makes 2012. At this time, if Microsoft is still interested in videogames, a new iteration of X-Box will probably been out for two years. Sony has lost this round, that's all.

You take for granted the rate wont change....

Well I got news for you. It has changed and will change again.

Ps3 has outsold 360 1.6 mil in 6 months not 53 weeks like your formula suggests.

Holiday + Games + price = rate changes.

1-1.5 years MAX till Ps3 catches up... and MS will def. still be interested.

Hell if rates never changed the 360 would be 12mil in front of Ps3 instead of 5.8