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Forums - Sales Discussion - Theory: XBOX failure in Japan is Hurting PS3

no, I don't believe that at all, if the 360 was succesfull, the PS3 would have HD competition. As it is now, Sony has the time for bigger and more appealing games to come without having a direct HD battle.. or needing to fear the release of the next Xbox in two years..


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When Final Fantasy XIII  launches in Japan an extra million PS3 's will be sold in Japan within 3 months. FFXIII alone will sell one million copies in Japan upon its launch week. Japan PS3 hardware sales hopes lie heavily upon FFXIII and other JRPG's that will soon come out on PS3.
XBox 360 sales has no connection with PS3 sales. X360 is an American console which is a non event in Japan.

the failure of the 360 gives Sony time as a HD console, different from the Wii, and chances are still there that the Japanese will fall for it next year, where in the US and Europe, the PS3 doesn't have time at all and has had to battle hard from day one, and the launch of the next xbox is also something to take into view, also a problem they don't have in Japan.. so I think the worst thing that could have happened for Sony was that the 360 had become a succes in Japan


but when would you have called the 360 a succes? what sales did it had to have to be considered that?


^^^ Better then what they are getting now

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its a viable theory i would say.

can you also tell us who is that girl on your avatar? :D

FishyJoe said:
The Xbox 360 is a non-factor in Japan. You're grasping at straws.

 Once in a life we agree on something ...



Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

The girl is Saaya Arie. She is 12 in that pic....

Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'

FishyJoe said:
The Xbox 360 is a non-factor in Japan. You're grasping at straws.


I agree to some extent. However, japanese developers and publishers started caring more and more for the international bussiness. The japanese HD games ratio is not bad and it´s going to higher in the future.