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Forums - Sales Discussion - Theory: XBOX failure in Japan is Hurting PS3

jkimball said:
The girl is Saaya Arie. She is 12 in that pic....

Bail out, fission mailed, bomba

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million

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jkimball said:

Theory: XBOX failure in Japan is Hurting PS3


In North America, and Europe the HD consoles have more than 50% market share. It is a no-brainer to go mulit platform. This helps the late comer - the PS3 - quite a bit because it gets top games like COD4 that it's smaller user base wouldn't justify without on it's own. This bascially splits the market into two pieces Wii and HD. We all know that. There are HD games, and there are Wii games.

But in Japan, XBOX360 is hopeless. At 1500/week it will take 5 years to sell 1 Million. Ouch. THis means in japan there is really only one console target: the Wii. There aren't enough HD consoles to justify the dev costs for HD games. The wii is at 6.1M. PS3 is 2.1M. Xbox is 700k. If Xbox was around 3M (where it would be if it sold as well in japan it has in NA and Others) the HD consoles would have 5.1M - roughly splitting the market with the Wii.

So all of us HD fans need to worry about Microsoft's failure in Japan as it hurts our chances of getting good Japanese games for ANY HD platform!




You got to tell me what you are smoking...cause I'd love some. Microsoft is doing everything they can to get the Japanese dollar (or Yen in this case). Way more that Sony seems to be bothering. Sony seems too busy hyping Resistance2 and Killzone 2 these days to be making anything else that may appeal to Japanese gamers. They are probably thinking Capcom will bail them out with Monster Hunter...or Square with Final Fantasy.

The only thing I can see Microsoft doing at this point is holding a gun to every person in Jjapan forcing them to buy the console as they have tried everything else. So sony is hurting Sony the most there...if anything microsoft is helping HD gaming in Japan(as much as it can).

Does anyone know the reason why PS3 is outselling 360 by so much despite being more expensive and offering less games? I'd love to know...

In any case, you have to define what Japanese games are first...Wii has yet to get anyting like MGS, Ninja Gaiden or DMC...and as far as JRPG's...Xbox alone has more than Wii, despite being dead in Japan.

It doesn't help that most Japanese developers are completely in the dark when it comes to developing for the next gen systems.

FF will turn things around!

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

I have a theory why Japanese gamers gave up on the PS3. They were offended at the thoughts of their ancestors taking part in "real historic battles in ancient Japan" with giant enemy crabs who had weak spots that could be targeted for massive damage.




Back on topic...

I understand what you're saying but I doubt the 360's failure in Japan plays a part in PS3's troubles. All developers had to have known the 360 would be crippled in Japan if not on life support as it is.

If anything I think the PS3 would be doing much better if the 360 was doing even worse or didn't exist and titles like Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon would be on PS3.  People mock Microsoft a lot about how securing those exclusives didn't save them in Japan but it helped them quite a bit on the worldwide stage by hurting the PS3.

jkimball said:
The girl is Saaya Arie. She is 12 in that pic....

 Epic Win

And yes, the majority is right.  Japan never even considered Xbox as a contender. 

360 Tag - narfwack


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No, it isn't. Its the Lack of JRPGs and Price and Size of PS3

Don't necro threads people!