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Forums - Sony Discussion - GamePro: MGS4 is without a doubt, one of the greatest games of all time

dont think ill ever get tired of these MGS4 review threads :D Love em, about time a truly epic game comes out that blows us away

first GTA4, now MGS4, then FF :)

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MattAAron said:
dont think ill ever get tired of these MGS4 review threads :D Love em, about time a truly epic game comes out that blows us away

first GTA4, now MGS4, then FF :)

yeah i also think FF will follow them

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Great to hear that this game is getting the credit that it will more than likely deserve

Never played a MGS game before and even i am going to pick this one up!

MattAAron said:
dont think ill ever get tired of these MGS4 review threads :D Love em, about time a truly epic game comes out that blows us away

first GTA4, now MGS4, then FF :)

We gotta wait until FF for another truly epic game? Shit man by that time the next presidential election should be going on. And yes that's an allusion to FFXIII not coming out until 2012 because I have lost all hope in seeing the damn game out before I graduate from another four years of college. sigh....I feel better now....please continue.


MGS4 just isn't of GTA4 effort and quality, so I don't see it getting 10s across the board like GTA did. The sound will be inferior, the graphics worse, the gameplay a little lacking, and a stuttering framerate. Add the long cutscenes and this game is only 9 worthy.

(I'm being very sarcastic, but why do the reviewer scores make those statements true, hmm?)

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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I agree after MGS4 there is no game except for FF13 that could challenge GTA 4

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ph4nt said:

You Mean OoT?

it might challenge GTa 4 (i hope it does this game deserves it)

But not OoT. 

So you have played it?

Do you mean becuse the review count is so low for OoT, or do you mean becuse it's imposable to be a better game?

I guess it is as easy to get "One of The Greatest Game of All Time!" from reviewers as it is to get a blowjob from a hooker ... I'm not saying that Metal Gear Solid 4 is a bad game, but this has been said about Bioshock, Halo 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Call of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4 all within a couple months time.  

brute said:
MattAAron said:
dont think ill ever get tired of these MGS4 review threads :D Love em, about time a truly epic game comes out that blows us away

first SMG, COD4, BIOSHOCK, BRAWL, GTA4, now MGS4, then FF :)


yeah i also think FF will follow them

Mgs4 will be a great game. What surprises me is that the Wii and Ps3 seems to be recieving the greatest games of all time so early. (exclusives.) In all honesty. the greatest exclusive the 360 has, Halo3, really isn't all that great. I consider gears better, but not one of the greatest games of all time though. So far:

 Ps3- Mgs4

Wii- SMG, Brawl, Zelda TP

360- Halo 3

HappySqurriel said:

I guess it is as easy to get "One of The Greatest Game of All Time!" from reviewers as it is to get a blowjob from a hooker ... I'm not saying that Metal Gear Solid 4 is a bad game, but this has been said about Bioshock, Halo 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Call of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4 all within a couple months time.

No great games were made before 2007, Happy. You should know that.

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