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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 Boxart Reveal

Words Of Wisdom said:
DMeisterJ said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Meh. Maybe this time it'll be interesting.

Didn't like the first one?

I actually only recently played Fable TLC.

Thankfully, it's for the PC so I could do fun things to it.  I didn't like the look of aging so I remove that.  I didn't like the wrinkles, so I removed them.  I didn't like the scarring, so I removed that. 

I basically stripped out half of what makes the game what it is to make it enjoyable for me.  I don't like going into the level-up chamber at 27 and coming out at 56 with grey hair and the like.   I also didn't like the fact that even though the hero has no dialogue, I still don't have the option for a female hero.

My list of complaints goes on from the grade-school level premise of the game (hero guild? please no...) to the bass akwards save system (Hero?  World?  WTF?) to...etc.  I could write a retro review of the PC version if it interested people, but really the game was mediocre from start to finish.

My expectations for Fable 2 are not high. 

Ahh...  I see...

I understand why you mightn't like it.

Around the Network

I think it Looks nice, I Like the backround

I think it looks really good

I think its nice.

Soriku said:
I like it. Better than the first one.

 ???? It's nearly identical to the first one.  The only difference is that this time they show the characters full body.

Around the Network

looks pretty good,not bad

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Well it`s okay..Luckily you play the game not with the boxart

^yeah but alot of casuals buy games by looking on the boxart

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

It looks decent.

I don't like that colour though.

Infact i don't like the colour Red at all.

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brute said:
^yeah but alot of casuals buy games by looking on the boxart

True, I bought Warcraft 2 only because of the boxart.... never played an RTS before.

I'd say boxart is pretty important for anyone uninformed about the game and that is out to buy one. Heck, how do you keep up with 5 consoles and PC on all releases? I get the good games and then I borwse boxarts to see appealing games and their back cover description. That was especially true in the pre internet era, where reviews where in magazins only.